Quietly Simmering

But it doesn’t make it ok. People may do it but it is never ok. Ever. If you do it too that just makes you kind of bad too. However if you work to fix it, acknowledge the mistake, and keep it private it’s far less damaging than, say, shouting it over a stream for tons of people to see. You I accept are working to

Dear jackass,

We just finished re-watching Speechless season 1 for about the fifth time (evening TV lately has been more about comfort food and silly jokes than catching up on the million shows on our DVR because frankly who has the energy to be stressed about TV right now?) and thought a run through 30 Rock might be good next.

Gonna be a busy week. War of the Chosen for consoles this Tuesday, and Metroid too. I’m neck deep in Far Cry Primal but I suspect an iron man run of XCOM 2 will be too strong a lure to resist.

Tackling backlog still, poking at Far Cry Primal. I’m mostly treading water until War of the Chosen finally comes out on Xbox next week.

He beat them in the short term. The GOP policies created the environment for him to exploit, and they trained their base to adore him and his racist shit for decades. So it’s both! /party.gif, headdesk.gif, etc etc

Red Skull by way of Toxic Avenger that sounds unpleasant. Very well, purifying flames it is. Not a zero chance that his evil won’t transcend the pyre but better than the Joker treatment.

You make a valid point. Fire would be too quick, except that as long as the end result is gone I’m ok with it.

Too late. Having Republican impeachment hearings splashed all over the news during the midterms will utterly destroy their chances. They’d have to pull the trigger basically today to have a chance at it leaving the news cycle and frankly even that is unlikely. It’ll stretch on for months and the tantrums he will throw

What has already happened 18 months from now? Midterm elections. The democrats get their aid for hurricane victims (which should, you know, be easy unless the GOP are utter monsters oh wait) and the GOP is still stuck with having to threaten a whole new government shut down just in time for it to utterly tank them

I feel like, current events and all, him drowning in toxic waste and raw sewage would be more appropriate.

And what do we do with a drunken sailor? I’ve got a whole list, I’m sure we can find something suitable...

100%. I’m just glad Pelosi wised up and started doing that too.

What happened is Democrats got his number. They flattered him and rolled him like the gullible mark he is.

So... We’re just tossing the constitution out the window now, eh GOP? This is literally the definition of a violation of the emoulents clause.

Bitch, I contain multitudes. I’m capable of both hating nazis and bad optics on fashion choices.

Ok! Go for it dude.

Certainly not how first world democracies operate anyway. Also we all wish we were Canadian don’t rub it in...

No problem, my phrasing was ambiguous, sorry about that

Not that we have confirmed, no. I assume in private he’s a literal filth monster.. Given the things he says on live TV can you imagine how vile he is in private?