I’m frankly shocked he hasn’t dropped the n word yet. I expected that or the c word during the debates. Give it a month.
I’m frankly shocked he hasn’t dropped the n word yet. I expected that or the c word during the debates. Give it a month.
I was simmering because I just assumed that because he was such a transparently awful person, such an incompetent buffoon, such a narcissistic con man that he wouldn’t win a primary, and if he did no way he’d win the general. Started screaming... Sometime around November I think? I mean I can’t recall an exact date...
No I boiled over onto a full throated scream months ago. I still like the screen name... (ID? Moniker? Handle? Alias?) but yeah not quiet.
I suppose that’s fair. He’s got to watch his money though, I hear having your assets frozen as an agent of a foreign power can really limit your options.
As a southerner myself I resent that. He also would need a trucker hat oh right nevermind spot on. (also screw you for putting the mental image of that fat sack of shit in Daisy Duke shorts in my head...)
Obama has at least done soup kitchen type volunteer work in the past, but you’re right Carter is an amazingly humble and compassionate man.
Because she’s wearing stripper heels to one of the biggest natural disasters in our nation’s history. Who would do that on purpose?
Fair point. I think in my mind jeans are easier to clean and remove stains from. Or hide stains in? Like it probably wouldn’t ruin the jeans to do some relief work but almost certainly would ruin the khaki? But also were pretty deep down this rabbit hole, I can acknowledge I’m bored and this is not a conversation…
I agree! It’s the when appropriate I’m focusing in on. Disaster moral support, maybe don’t look like you’re just going for a beer. Unless! If you plan to pitch in and be knee deep in shit you wear jeans that’s fine. Knowing Dumbo up there though he’s wearing his shitty golf outfit to go get a few holes in...
Ok fine if you’re posing for Cowboy Digest sure you can wear a pair of fucking Wranglers.
Oh my sweet summer child. Of course he’s going to have a rally. He’s not going there to help, he’s going there to be a big boy and sit in a boat, then host a rally because the ratings will be better if he does it in a disaster zone.
I hate to give the nazi shithead any leeway but I can’t think of what else he should wear. Khaki seems like a valid compromise because a suit is impractical and jeans are beneath the dignity of the office. Now the shitty polo shirt under a “hide my fat old man gut” shapeless windbreaker have got to go but the pants at…
Now now let’s be fair, she’s contractually obligated to wear those heels. You know he’s pointed out how huge the ratings would be if he divorced her on live TV and cut her out of the will. She’s a hostage at this point. She is utterly complicit and deserves zero fucks given but I’d bet money she doesn’t have a choice…
I always got a giggle out of the little bastards in small doses during those mini-game collections of yore. I hear you that you came around, but how do they hold up over a long haul? Less is more with the crazy antics, at least it was last time I encountered them. I’m getting the game either way (“for the kids”…
Hmmmmm... I have a three and something month old who has discovered let’s play Minecraft videos and is already building her Minecraft utopia by herself on the Switch. I get the sense this might be a good purchase for both of us...
Off topic: I want an Enemy Mine style movie with rival journalists having to work together to survive called Emphasis Mine.
Hell. Fucking. Yes.
I suspect that’s on the list of ways to stick it to America yeah.
I just finished a frighteningly completionist run of Dragon Age Inquisition. I finally got to play the DLC and see the “real” post Trespasser ending!
And look he really is a job creator! His monument will employ security guards round the clock, constant cleaning crews, and repair contractors.