Ain’t no crackdown like an institutional crackdown.
Ain’t no crackdown like an institutional crackdown.
I agree completely. Education and outreach and working to cut them off from their pool of recruits to radicalize, that’s the long term solution. But if someone is wearing a goddamn swastika and they come at anyone with a weapon in hand I would shed no tears if they got put down hard. Violence should not be the first…
This is why we need a multi layered approach definitely. While violence and lawsuits may help in the short term, it’s this sort of education and outreach that ultimately turn the tide.
I like to think it’d be hard to find a jury that would convict but after this week...
I’m not sure I totally agree there. Usually that argument reduces to racism, and civilian casualties. If you said “punch everyone who advocates terrorism and genocide” then I’d agree with that. Nazism is explicitly about genocide. We still can’t have a one dimensional approach though. Defeating an ideology is damned…
It’s not either or, though! We do have to educate and fight these people being radicalized. We ALSO should be conducting raids on their homes and places of business and freezing their assets and sending them to Gitmo because they are fucking terrorists.
This is very good work on Bee’s part. Fighting radical extremists and terrorists is only partly about killing them. You also have to educate, destroy their sources of revenue, silence their message, and remove the pool of recruits before they have a chance to radicalize them. You also have to vigorously defend your…
I believe the phrase you’re looking for is “moral imperative”. Any person with a soul should feel a moral imperative to stand up and fight against literal genocide. Legally well its a grey area.
We bought a bottle of champagne to toast America’s first female president... My days of optimistic liquor purchases are over. Now it’s just knives and gin.
Never happen. Perp walk requires the perp to walk. He’s going to be dragged out like a child protesting a time out for something they don’t understand: screaming, crying, and deeply confused.
I’m not advocating for it because dragging his ass out of the oval office in cuffs is going to be so much more satisfying. If he dies they just blame everything on him and literally everyone else gets a pass. Mueller though, the investigation is going to turn over a lot of rocks. We just have to hang on and fight like…
Sympathy? Heck no, she knows what she’s doing, getting all the praise as one of the few turncoats they have. But she’s also a prime candidate for radicalization. When the GOP turns off these people we need to open our arms and accept them, show them how welcome and special they are, show them just how important their…
I mean like all of them, particularly if they’re in an advertising network thing. And sure there‘s a whole network but it’s still not their front page. Kicking them off Rodeo Drive and making them set up in an alley down the block is a pretty good first step.
Hmm interesting idea! We need a few billionaires with souls so... >_> but yeah. Thought experiment: sue on what grounds? Being a nazi somehow isn’t enough, and online harassment traditionally gets ignored by the judicial system. Any ideas? I think it’s a valid plan we need some meat on its bones.
Shutting them down and forcing them to regroup elsewhere is major. Of course it’s self serving on the domain host’s part! They defended hosting these nazi shitheels as recently as a month ago. They aren’t fucking heroes for this, but they are still doing a good deed. They’ll set up elsewhere but any blow to them is…
Agreed. He’s harassed and bullied and threatened via Twitter for years too.
Picking them off individually by pointing it out to their employers is a good idea, but it takes time. The action GoDaddy is taking is HUGE. that’s how we really put a dent in this: cutting of their revenue from ads, and denying them easy access to organize online. They’ll find somewhere else, they always do, but…
Bitch unless you’re relocating them to the surface of the sun relocation isn’t enough.
I saw a lovely distillation of what I’ve been trying to articulate for weeks, courtesy of @Iron_Spike: progressive doesn’t mean universal tolerance and giving a platform to terrorists. Progressive is the opposite of regressive.
She just summed it up so perfectly didn’t she? “You’ve got a time machine, I’ve got a gun: let’s kill Hitler”