Wait why isn’t this a billion games already?
Wait why isn’t this a billion games already?
Evil. The word you’re looking for is outright, selfish, cynical, evil.
I feel like we could just switch over to Lucy gifs as a replacement for the English language at this point and we wouldn’t notice.
I could have sworn you could dual wield in the first one too? Maybe not. Either way, it was a good choice. I loved doing the rifle and pistols, which is GREAT!... Until you get swa swa d unexpectedly. Then you pray for a pipe bomb or see how good your friends are.
My personal pick is the Left4Dead pistols. Infinite ammo plus zombies that die from head shots meant it was a sweet reward for careful players. You’d still get overwhelmed of course, but it just felt good. The pistol didn’t feel dinky or pointless, and really only let you down after you started panicking.
I’d frankly be shocked if he is able to get it up at all anymore*
I am aware. Which frankly makes it all the more surprising since it’s the same majority blocking both from exercising recess appointments. I mean fuck basically every member of Congress at this point but at least the honeymoon period is over and they’re not just fighting over who gets to worship Trump the hardest…
I dunno I want him to self destruct as rapidly as possible and barely working makes him sleepy and angry.
Well can you blame them? They’re dimwitted spineless jackals trying to crack the bones to get at what’s left of democracy. They haven’t worked out how to hurt enough people while enriching themselves off impeachment yet.
I can’t help but see the Senate blocking recess appointments as an incredibly good sign. I know they just resent ceding power to the President but given the way the GOP has bent over (backwards or forwards pick your preferred metaphor) for Trump has me worried.
Oh god damn you’re 100% right.
There’s a ton of awful ideas out there. How about a gritty Gunsmoke remake? An ill conceived reboot of Happy Days without any self aware kitch? Just like a bald nostalgic look at the 50's, particularly the “real America” social politics of the day. Reboot Supernatural. Maybe while the original is still on the air.…
Yeah it just boggles the mind that now, right this second is the time he chose to make it explicit.
Oh I know that! I mean why NOW? Like what in the current state of affairs says “yep, looks like a good time to make this official” instead of buying your head in the sand and hoping like hell no one looks at your voting record next time elections roll around.
Who takes a long, sober look at the state of the Republican party, and then, on the day a grand jury is impaneled by a special investigator looking into corruption, voter fraud, and obstruction of justice, says “I WANT IN”? What’s this guy’s plan? I assume it’s “steal everything not nailed down in West Virginia and…
Self harm through negligence absolutely. Death through “natural causes”, very likely. (e.g. “his heart seized up due to being filled with fried chicken” or “his liver, full of self loathing and for the good of the world, finally managed to make it to the heart to do what was necessary”) I meant deliberate suicide is…
Sadly I worry he’s too narcissistic for self harm. No Jonestown end game for us I’m afraid. That said, him dying in office would be a remarkably bad outcome for us. The investigation is going to take forever but our democracy will be far better served by that than simply shuffling him aside to the ash heap of history…
Don’t forget all the money laundering for the Russia mob/government.
It’s everyone including the hard liners. They leak to embarrass their rivals.
You’d have to get past Bannon’s beast form but yeah that’s all it’ll take, just literally lie to him, tell him it’s ice cream for only the most handsome president and maybe throw in something about how Obama really doesn’t want him to sign it. Solved.