
Said the straight white dude living in a flyover state.

GameStop charge before or at ship date?

GameStop charge before or at ship date?

Praying so hard for another civil war right now.

Oh my god please go fuck yourself.

Teenage bros.

Scream laughed.

Fuck these people’s entire families.

Sucks about the mom and kid but honestly we’re all better off with him not being around anymore.

Holy shit who the fuck cares.

New album was so good, but not Triangle good.

I hate you more than I hate modern video games.

Every single person in the smash “community” is a disgusting trash person.

Good. You deserve less than what you got you stupid piece of shit.

This is video games you fucking nerd. 

You legitimately need to go fuck yourself.

Fuck your entire family.

Why do you have to argue with everyone?

God I hate modern video games so much.

Mission st?

You are fucking stupid.