Wow Hayao Miyazaki is a stupid piece of shit. Who knew.
Wow Hayao Miyazaki is a stupid piece of shit. Who knew.
That IIDX pic <3
Don't you have a livejournal somewhere to post this garbage on?
Back in my day we only had 300 Max’s.
Fuck this dudes entire life. I hope what he's done haunts him for the rest of his days.
Maybe try not being white during an encounter with the police.
“no one I know in media does this”
God you're a pedantic little piece of shit.
Fuck your entire stupid family for raising you to think that way.
The internet continues to ruin the world.
Fucking classic.
Maybe the human race doesn't deserve sight.
Hopefully in a fancy car just like that other moron streamer.
Fuck you and fuck that piece of shit attached to the dick you’re riding.
Your fucking entire stupid worthless life is garbage. No one cares if your insignificant immature ass is upset about a phone game.
You are such a goddamn waste of life.
Bojack is basically new Duckman. Even has the Jazz-filled opening credits.
Woah! Your life must be awful.
The big soulless Round 1 locations will never go anywhere, it's the small little family-owned shops that are going to disappear. Just like America.