There was no ending happy or otherwise. Like the title of the series it was incomplete and unsettling.
There was no ending happy or otherwise. Like the title of the series it was incomplete and unsettling.
I agree. I don't see what the big deal was either.
Did anyone else notice Clorox was used as a symbol? On #8, when Stone had his eczema outbreak he filled his bathtub with Clorox. When he returned the cat to the pound he transported it in a Clorox cardboard box. Both unsuccessful attempts to purge himself.
My point was it made as much sense as Stone being the killer.
I'm not a lawyer (nor even a high-school graduate) but I watch dumbed-down TV shows about lawyers aimed for the lowest common denominator & learned from them you only let a criminal defendant testify if he's already as good as dead & you're hoping for a miracle—like your obviously guilty young murderer is a handsome…
Could you also imagine Naz waking up at home & discovering the whole thing was just a dream?
You seem to be missing the forest for the trees. Every developed character in the series had substantial flaws.
He clearly was working with Freddy. Unlike some other sub-plots this wasn't even designed to be ambiguous. Any doubt was erased when he walked away not even looking to see what was causing the commotion.
The way it ended it seemed they might have been leaving the door open for a spin-off with Box as a DA's detective working for Weiss. It actually is a 2nd career for some retired police detectives.
Congratulations. I get a feeling you've also done some ridiculously stupid stuff before and during break ups.
I was a forensic insurance auditor of financial institutions in a former life. l was always amazed by the large number of idiotic embezzlements (by "idiotic" I mean the perpetrator had to know she was going to get caught) committed by young women in the wake of fights with their boyfriends. Getting goofy after these…
Chandra did not seem to have the kind of intelligence a criminal defense lawyer needs. Allowing Naz to testify proves that conclusively. She might be a better legal scholar than Stone but not nearly his equal as a trial attorney. If the script were tortured into political correctness it would have ruined everything.
Few things in this world are more boring than politically correct drama. Fortunately the producers didn't fall into that trap.
What did she have to defend in re Stone's comment—he said she was "an attractive young woman"—is that an insult? As for the mortician—what's the point of arguing with a nut?
How can it be used? It might be some kind of professional misconduct on Chandra's part but it has nothing to do w/Naz's guilt or innocence.
What can Freddy do from prison? The prosecution already has what seems to be a bulletproof case against him as is w/out any assistance from Freddy?
Prosecutors aren't supposed to accept a case unless they believe beyond a reasonable doubt the defendant is guilty and also that they have a reasonable likelihood of getting a conviction. Cops are expected to testify truthfully.
Most people go through their lives never seriously injuring anyone is any kind of fight. We know Naz did it at least twice plus who knows how many other times? Even if he was provoked it counts for something. With only 1 episode left I don't think there's enough time to both tie up loose ends and unmask the real…
Keep in mind that based on the facts known to the people in the justice system it appears Naz most certainly did do something.
There's different degrees of "lost." Better to be lost out of prison than in prison.