
Or maybe I have lots of fucking clues, and disagree with your interpretation of them. As various justices and constitutional scholars have, throughout history.

This poem is always worth posting; “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood.

This is some fine reporting, and an interesting topic.

Hillary Clinton is also letting the GOP off the hook for decades of strategic, institutional racism.

Haha I was going to Trump-ify my post but I’m in a bad mood so I didn’t make the extra effort. Just unfiltered complaining instead.

God damn it. First Lady Ghostbusters and now Lady Ghosts? STOP RUINING MY CHILDHOOD!

As a man who is dating a woman, I did not learn true feminism until she made me wear the ball gag.

The single greatest example of that phenomenon ever:

“Rage stroke” if only. Don't tell me any more, I can only get so hard.

Kinja is pissing me off right now. I want to to star your comment but it will not let me. God damnit kinja! I’m going to set fire to the rain!!!