Is that a Japanese shop in Korea? Because I see no Korean writing, but I do see Japanese writing on the signs (like Yakitori on the left lantern).
Is that a Japanese shop in Korea? Because I see no Korean writing, but I do see Japanese writing on the signs (like Yakitori on the left lantern).
Neat. Luke can project himself ‘cross the galaxy.
You forgot Fortnite.
Poor FFXIII. :(
I’d also like to submit:
FFV: -Patch to make Gilgamesh join the party. -Patch to make Gilgamesh the entire party.
Actually, just Patch every Final Fantasy to have Gilgamesh added in. Also:
Dissidia Final Fantasy: -Patch to change all references of “Bartz” to “Butz”
You’re crazy. I love the character designs.
Multiplayer arena game Paragon has been in a weird place since it debuted last year. Harnessing the full power of…
yep... that seems EXACTLY what this game is going for with the fishing, driving, overly done animations and a shiny gloss to everything. This is what happens when you dont know what you want to make and do it for 10 years.
Paragon doesn’t seem to get much attention... well, anywhere. But it’s the only MOBA I’ve really enjoyed enough to soak dozens of hours into.
This game is fun, but its not for everyone. I personally love it, but its still finding its legs as a moba.
Whaaaat Paragon coverage on Kotaku! Love it. Super excited for the Countess to come out.
The U.S. version of Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV will be released digitally on August 30, followed by a Blu-ray and DVD release October 4. Check out the latest trailer. revealed alongside the release dates at San Diego Comic-Con this weekend.
Bloodborne is the definition of a modern classic, yes. The word that always comes to my mind when I think about that game is “purity.” It doesn’t have the more complex RPG trappings of its siblings in the DS series, nor does it boast a ton of different mechanics or gameplay pillars - no crafting system, no…
Bloodborne is a phenomenal game. It got me into the glory of the Souls series (Praise the Sun!), and is still by far my favorite
“Why release a physical version at all? An Epic Games rep told me that it’s for players that want early access to the game and still prefer having a physical product in their hands...”
This one was cool.
I have long been a fan of the PlayStation Vita. So this quote from one of Sony’s head honchos about portable gaming…
Other characters in Marvel Heroes that have also been mass murderers:
Jean Grey
Black Widow
Silver Surfer (accomplice!)
Oh, and then, the capstone at MILLIONS: Scarlet Fucking Witch.
I could make a case for a few of the others, but it would be a stretch for what we are considering "murder."
Rocking a ZUNE!!!! Heck yeah! I miss my Zune.
Rocking a ZUNE!!!! Heck yeah! I miss my Zune.
I self-identify as a straight male-bodied dude, but recently I've taken to playing as a female-bodied character in…