
Games are about fun. People have different definitions of that but to explain. I adore all the SoulsBorne games and their challenge I feel is very important but with a game like Sekiro the challenge doesn’t feel satisfying it feels like a frustrated relief after beating a boss or tough enemy. For the first time with a

looks alright. wish they had gotten the frank quitely outfits better :\ 

bought it! Don’t lemme down!

bought it! Don’t lemme down!

i really hope this doesnt effect the really great Xmen shows like Legion and The Gifted :\ as inconsistant as the FoxMarvel movies were I enjoyed that they took risks like First Class. Im excited but cautious as well. 

is it just me or does the song also sound a lot like Neon Guts by lil uzi?

if they do it right and have people getting their comic subscriptions this way it could be a really great way to get customer traffic but if they don’t know comic culture and they just throw a few popular names on a rack..it wont work

I feel what they need is just to make it easy. make it easy to get the tickets and seats with a stellar app and you’re golden

I need all these on audio book T_T

I’d love to see a new series of a new crew that discovers the Serenity and has cameos from the OG cast.

I dunno what youre talking about. I’ve been using the Limebike scooters for the last week instead of a bus and its been great! They’re fun, ive ridden them not on the sidewalk and they DEFINITELY go faster than walking. I walked with my wife to the park and then used a Limebike scooter to zip home and it was perfect.

For people who want to give it a chance the game is actually quite fun. It’s not perfect by I’m having a blast playing with friends. The gameplay is legit because it’s mgs.


My favorite jokes are the ones where you have to explain it to the listener so they get it...

The best movies are always the ones that need explanations by the director

Exactly! I keep saying this. With ESB maybe people were mixed about vader being his father but no one could deny now great the film was.

Why do people have to feel ‘betrayed’. I don’t feel like they ‘ruined my childhood’...I just simply thought TLJ wasn’t that great of a movie. Take risks, cool, do new things...but make the story interesting and characters likable at least.

am I the only one who felt the Porgs puppetry was bad? I thought they were cute but they were so stiff that it took me out of the film whenever they popped up?

Also why wasn’t it mentioned that they were going to that remote base before jumping through light speed? Like, before they knew they could be tracked?

You forgot Mr. Robot

I felt the film was more a commentary on Star Wars than an actual fun movie