
Why dont they just use ‘its a cyborg body’ as a cop out. Least it would be more straight forward.

I don’t watch GoT but that is an amazing dress

Honestly I don’t even care about pachinko. makes money, I get it but the fact that they took so much time to beautifully render scenes from mgs3 and us it for that ....


Cool. I loved her in Wolverine and yes the whitewashing is kinda crap but I’m also excited for all the rest of the casting.

im in to it

Nicely written : )

Actually these are the two rpgs I’m excited for

Last one is quicksilver for sure.

I don’t disagree. Although I actually found the second ending interesting I do feel it wasn’t given the same justice as the first ending in terms of production. The second ending made me feel like I beat fate and that I was in control of my own destiny.

Am I the only one that wants to see this look/story be movie-ized?

Cool, I love out of context quotes.

Did anyone else feel that the score was lacking? It wasn’t bad but I just felt it didn’t have that dramatic punch it could have.

They could be deciding it in to 3 parts ....like 3 disks ....

Yeah look at that terrible atempt at a remake. It was just such a terrible interpretation of the original

this bums me out because i felt he really could have brought something new with this and I was genuinely excited about the 3rd film.

I'm glad to see an outside view (io9 rather than a jrpg site) recignizing this series. I always admired this series for its unique flavor and style. the series is a work of art imo and should be noticed more.

It wasnt an act of humans but mags had to also deal with being the sole survivor of the mass killings of genosha

yeah exactly. sorry but amazon has nowhere near as abundant of a selection as netflix/spotify.

I still love my nexus 7 and so often us it instead of a laptop. it was the perfect size for everything. fit in to my pocket. big enough to do my writing at the coffee shop, good size to just browse, perfect size for netflix....imo its the best tablet I've ever interacted with.