
Where did I state that I only own Android and I hate Apple? I own an iPhone 4s, every Nexus phone released, HP Touchpad, Xoom, (no iPad, strictly a money issue) 2x ATv gen1, 2x ATv gen2, a Logitech Revue, Boxee Box, two XIOS Android set-tops. I dont play the brand loyalty game, I buy shit I want to buy.

Why? Were you one of those unfortunate few that got but hurt by early models that never updated? ;ºP

Well the fact that it has more in common with a Sonos than an AppleTV.

Dude you really are trolling this article hardcore...

Well innovation does not just take place in aesthetics... Popular design styles are popular design styles and they always get "copied", in every sector of every business.

I know they do, well sometimes at least. I think they forget they decided they were going start trying to play neutral, and their inner iFan just shines through.

Well considering I am late to the comments on this retarded post you will likely never see this, but just in case you do, I wanted to point out what could be a few reasons for why this is happening. None of this has been stated here at Gizmodo and both are pretty big news for Android.

Stop reporting on positive aspects of anything Google related. Giz does not want to hear it.

No you are not missing anything.

If you really think that's the only way spam gets in to your inbox, you got another thing coming. In fact you have about 50 things coming, and they all have to do with male sexual enchantments. ;ºP

You cant use that one... someone already took it.

Layout does look clean. My biggest problem with Microsoft email services has ALWAYS been the spam. They suck at filtering it compared to Gmail.

Those two things have nothing to do with each other.

As someone at the Verge posted, when they ran this article, Microsoft's first Win8 commercial should use the tagline, "Windows 8, you don't need to be a genius."

And that makes it ethical? As long as Apple continues along these lines, they deserve all the shit people are slinging, simple as that.

I disagree...

Hey Max, Im on a Fiber connection (fios) down here in Tampa. Would you be willing to run a few tests for streaming Plex with me? If so whats the best way to get a hold of you?

Uh hu... If that's true then, from your long spree at DrunkenStepfather Id say you have a long way to go at BEING a Christian, regardless of whether you actually believe it or not.

Cool story bro!

Did you actually read what I wrote to you, or watch the video?