
He needed to be escorted from the theater. I can’t believe they let him stay after assaulting a presenter. 

Seriously. His behaviour was the very definition of toxic masculinity (something this site supposedly deplores?). You can defend your loved one without resorting to violence.

It was a shitty joke and in very poor taste; but Will’s reaction wasn’t acceptable either. Will could have taken the mic from Chris and turned this into a teachable moment by talking about how many people suffer in silence, praised his wife for speaking publicly about her challenges and helping to de-stigmatize

They need to do something more radical. Maybe if one presenter makes an insensitive joke about a star’s wife, that star goes up and literally slaps the shit out of the presenter, and then sits back down and has a short, profane, one-sided shouting match with the presenter, that might draw some interest?

Katherine Hahn was going to play her for a bio project at Showtime so I nominate her.

Deja should have been read to FILTH for that outfit. That was one of the worst looks that wasn’t part of a sewing challenge that I can recall. It seemed to me she and Jorgeous got very similar critiques for the challenge but Deja’s look was MUCH worse. Does the runway not count for anything?

I really enjoyed the way how they reworked Ru songs into the musical. Nobody gave a bad performance, but it was immediately clear that Bosco was a miscast. Painting her eyebrows in her usual Bosco style didn’t help her cause at all. After what had transpired during the casting session, this would have been an A grade

Ironically, she did a poor job of playing her mom in that Jennifer Lawrence movie. Like….oddly not a good impression despite already looking and sounding like her. Like was doing an SNL sketch,

This is ignoring that restaurant workers in North America depend on tips. Office workers obviously do not. Four ten hour shifts instead of five eights isn’t addressing that some days are better than others for earning tips.

Some of these things are true, or have a hint of truth, at some restaurants. Others are utterly bunk.

You can be angry, AngryBob. Or you could practice empathy. In this case the restaurant has probably learned from experience that most people using a GroupOn aren’t aware that they’re suppose to tip on the menu price, and after watching their waitstaff disappointed by these guests, decided it was better to set a

The portions coming in odd numbers is actually based on science.  For whatever reason people prefer something like food in odd numbers, so like 3 or 5 potato skins.

(I deliberately left out Gen X, because getting overlooked is Gen X’s whole thing.)


It’s incredibly funny to listen to the DVD commentaries by The Simpsons writers who worked for Carson and expressing their absolute, unbridled dislike of him as a notorious joke thief and someone who, by the last decade or so of his time on the show, was effectively only hosting it part-time.

This is a really interesting casting choice that makes me more intrigued by the project itself. By accounts, Carson could be a massive asshole and did wield that power in questionable manners, but he was also responsible for several big cultural moments. By having Levitt here, I can see them being able to lean on both

  • Mortgage

Michael Caine is a god damn gift to this world and this quote(original about Jaws 4) is the ultimate distillation of what it means to be a famous actor

I haven’t seen Speed 2, I heard it is not that good. I have seen the house it paid for and I assure you, it’s lovely.

Prepared horseradish and sour cream also work, for those who don’t care for mayo. Did you coin shrimp frites” as a dish name? I can obviously guess what it is, but have never heard the expression. Perhaps ketchup mixed with horseradish would create a sauce for shrimp frites with a somewhat familiar flavor for shrimp