Honestly, I think it was a victim of its terrible, terrible title, like Cougar Town and Trophy Wife. Krysten Ritter is awesome and I’m hoping Jessica Jones is a success.
Honestly, I think it was a victim of its terrible, terrible title, like Cougar Town and Trophy Wife. Krysten Ritter is awesome and I’m hoping Jessica Jones is a success.
Because GMA wants Trump to keep coming on their show because of his entertainment value. At this point they have abandoned what few journalistic ethics they had left and are just pandering.
I see what you did there and now I can't unsee it.
I once had to turn off an episode of Graham Norton where Graham was interviewing Alan Cumming because I was afraid the searing hot European gayness would blind my eyes.
And after dinner, she said, ‘Do you want to see the mall?’ And Gaga and I were out of that chair so fast … We went down to the mall and spent an hour down there. She pulled out her collection of gowns from Funny Girland Hello, Dolly! And then she said, ‘Do you want frozen yogurt?’
My wife and I work overtime in the summer to pay for classes in the fall and spring. Any thing left over on a loan. Have our first year done only 2,000 debt between us.
Unpopular opinion: all cereal sucks. It just sucks. It is NEVER enough food and it’s sugary and soggy and sad.
Somewhere in Pittsburgh, Kelly and Christi are cackling loudly over a five-cocktail lunch.
That looks less like a sex toy and more like a glass pipe...
I think that gun control would save a hell of a lot more lives.
I just got done watching it, and I’ve gotta say good for Tim. Swapnil has said before that he wasn’t interested in anything more than being safe. Getting his ass handed to him by Tim was well deserved and long overdue.
As someone familiar with the hardships of quite a few trans friends, I find it very difficult to believe that his “built from scratch” penis is going to be anywhere near “fully” functioning.
First of all, this woman doesn’t understand her own damn religion, because by their own standards, the Pope is going straight to hell for being and idolater, so.
The thing that drives me batshit crazy about this whole thing is that Apostolic Christians don’t believe that Catholics are real Christians! Why is she so excited to meet the head of the Catholic Church if she believes Catholics are going to hell?! (Answer: Because she’s an attention whore.)
I am a true Christian because I took a meeting with the Pope.”