
What type of psychologist does that?! Holy shit.

Dear Demi,

Have you gotten to George Clooney yet?

The Holiday is my favourite Nancy Meyers move and I hate you for not recognizing its greatness.

My street cred, especially in the black community, in this city, is huge.

Oh god damn it, now you’ve done it. I can’t hold back any longer. I once made up a Helen Keller joke:

I’d like to believe that Lea Michele’s character is an homage.

I dislike Lea Michele, but I have no good reason for it.

I’d enjoy black-ish so much more without Anthony Anderson’s character. I love all the other characters, but can’t stand his.

Have any of these morons ever actually watched any of the original Muppets series? It was never purely for kids. Sure, it’s wacky and generally appropriate for kids, but it’s always been somewhat edgy.

Concord had an excellent safety record, only one of them ever crashed in 27 years of service. The problem was noise and that they too small to be economical as a commercial airliner.

Blanche: [after being treated like a lady by one of her dates] I feel like I did when I was a virgin!

“Constantly fucking with the comment system is one of our core values.”

Atlantic City is the equivalent to New Jersey’s Australia

Atlantic City is an absolute cesspool. I live in Jersey and there are some really nice parts of the state but Atlantic City is every Jersey stereotype packed into two blocks.

I am sure the great science and math teachers at the school are treated the same way when their students beat up another fellow student for not eating pie on March 14th.

One thing I noticed was a good use of. SF “furniture”, the casual introduction of plausible future tech. Doors, phones, lifelike artificial limbs all made sense and were never explained. My favorite was a diner that specialized in 3d printed meals. The cheeseburger looked real enough, but the colors looked spray

I love this show! I think Halle is pretty good in it (also, she’s the most beautiful person on earth), also I think all her men are really hot. Dead John was hot, and JD is BEYOND hot.

I tend to make my wine purchasing decisions based on the size of the box.