
Fuck these religious assholes who think they’re entitled to a job, fuck them. Go find “work” in your religious institutions, not in jobs serving the public.

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.

That’s what I do: When I want to see Americans speaking English, I go to a kebab shop.

I might be a little crazy with this, but I think she looks like Margaery Tyrell in pig form. She doesn’t want to a queen, she want to be the Queen.

Pennsylvania - The Northern Florida

NJ as well. No alcohol at any of these places I have seen

“Nearly all locations?” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA from Pennsylvania. You’re funny.

I appreciate both the over-the-top photo snark and the reasonable engagement ring.

The conversation (overheard) between my grandmother (Dee) and her sister in law went more like "safety pins is not sewing, Dee."

That is fantastic.

Lord! One of my friends is a recreational shoplifter. The woman and her wife make a good $160,000 with no kids and she will hit up Michael’s before school starts and just walk out with loads of shit. I went to the grocery store with her once and she stuffed steaks down her pants. I didn’t know until we got out the

She is living not just her best life but also my best life.

One day, I hope someone invents a device that rich men could use when they want to have sex with random women but don’t want all the risks of getting them pregnant and having to pay child support.

Asbestos and knob-and-tube wiring, the top two death sentences of all home renovation shows on HGTV.

Fuck yeah. I use frank’s, sriracha, and olive oil as salad dressing. Nom.

While we’re at it, can we drop this claim that “bone broth” is in any way a new or innovative product rather than something humans started making a few minutes after the discovery of boiling?

The term “asparagus water” makes me think about how asparagus pee smells.

If you don’t want a beer and have no idea what you’re doing and perhaps aren’t really into alcohol but don’t want to be a teetotaler, the easiest drink to order is a rum and coke. Tastes like coke.