
Part of the GOP platform is getting rid of Social Security and Medicare as they are “social service” programs. This is a first step, which Trump has stated.

’ll see many of them in my small New England coastal town. Sailers *love* AWD wagons”

Weird innit?

I measure seats by how much my butt hurts after sitting in them for 3 hours straight. Only Saab 900 seats have achieved the level of “none,” so clearly they’re the best.

They usually stand out for me because of the configurable thigh support. Important for tall guys. 

I think Trump should get out as much as possible personally 

I would like to think that every spring some of the crotchety old men that assume the graves were dug for them go down and piss in them, to give their doubters the finger. 

Is it some sort of stall setup like in a horse barn?

shareholder Carl Icahn holds a 39%

Socialism for corporations and the wealthy, free market for everyone else. The GOP mantra.

This is pathetic and embarrassing. You must feel awful about yourself you braindead twit. 

Look for Austin (if that’s where he goes) real estate prices to go up through the roof, a la San Jose/San Fran prices.

Everyone who has heard someone explain that EVs are much simpler than ICE vehicles because they don’t have an engine, please raise your hand.

So no one needing to actually hide against their background then - got it.

This thing would be perfect for my daughter... You know, a safe, slow vehicle.. A good starter car.

I never thought I’d agree with Axl Rose about anything. I guess the Trump administration really is uniting the country.

Taking your foot off the gas would help

The brakes are a good place to start!

Lol, 1/10. Try harder next time. 

Or - OR - I can save my PTO for when I inevitably contract COVID-19 (which is really just a matter of time, isn’t it?) because I don’t actually get any sick days at my job.