
I’m sure I’m not going to change your mind - but on a global scale CNN and CNBC are slightly right of center. There’s nothing that could be called “left wing” by global standards.

But the GOP and Fox have pushed the Overton Window so far to the right over the past decades that a lot of people accept that a corporate,

I’m in the lucky situation that I finally do have 6 months of expenses in my emergency fund. I keep a couple of thousand dollars in my regular bank savings account (loses money after inflation, but immediate transfer to checking), I keep a month’s expenses in a “high” interest savings account at an online bank (also

A newer car with fewer miles.

I do the same - with a couple of exceptions. For instance, when you go to Boston Airport there’s a left exit off 93 to get to the tunnel (coming from the south). The speed limit there is 50 (may even be 40) - but if you try to get across four lanes to make the exit and try to stick to the speed limit, you will be hit

Get back to us after you’ve lived through a 4-5 day power outage in a major city (there were at least three in the 12 years I lived in NYC).  From that point on you will always have some cash with you and also have a cash stash secure at home.  Or you will be cold and hungry for a long time when credit card terminals

As someone with close ties to New Zealand, “tragedy” looks a lot different there than it does in the US and UK.

Might be helpful to mention that iOS 15 is not generally available yet - so this is all moot to the vast majority of people reading this

Please don’t.

The last thing any of us need is more half-assed, non-code, shoddy, beige, builder-grade ruining of houses by people looking to make a quick buck

Writes an article that references “high” HRV multiple times.  Never defines what that is.  Is it 10, 100, 1000, 10,000?

Won’t work for me either - I need to tow my single-wide 75 foot trailer across state lines every few months.

A GTi with 3/4" panel gaps and mismatched interior trim.  And the paint wears off after 6 months on the rocker panels, but that’s your fault for driving in areas where they grit/salt the roads.

I read your first sentence as “built to last 10-20 years”

A three on the tree on a 1970 FJ40 with 200,000 miles is about as far from an H pattern as is possible - it’s stir around, find a gear and then let the clutch part way out to see which one it was.

I hate to break it to you - but even if you “know what you are doing” it’s gambling.

It’s something that is common with 30-something guys - and it was 20 years ago when I was in my early thirties. I even picked stocks myself for a while (not day trading, but just as pointless)

I think what they are trying to say is “it is not the investment that it was for your parents” and that is true because that will never happen again.

Must be nice to live in bumfuck nowhere.

That’s a super common scenario - thanks for your input.

And you’ll lose money with every move as the realtors take 7% of the sales cost. Unless you make more than 10-15% in improvements (after your actual material and labor costs) - which will be hard in most markets.

What are these “newspapers” of which you speak?