
France Gall is my jam.

A plot hole isn’t something unexplained or something you didn’t figure out.

I thought it was because her music is generic and boring?

I can’t wait to not distinguish this song from the rest of its ilk next time I’m at the grocery store.

Star Wars has many more themes than being anti-fascist.

It’s still subtext; you know, theme. Did you ever bother to think about audience? This is a film series that appeals to children and adults. Considering people— grown adults— are struggling with what the Last Jedi argues, just imagine how much more difficulty they would be experiencing if the thematic elements were

You’ve gotta be kidding if you say there isn’t any subtext, especially in the Last Jedi.

It’s obviously a joke.

I think reading content is much more efficient than watching videos. It also feels much more engaging.

My favorites as of late:

Definitely a matter of taste and perspective. I don’t dive often into contemporary pop literature because I find the results so underwhelming.

No, I wasn’t disappointed that he didn’t provide an explanation of Area X. I don’t think he owes the reader that information and it’s unimportant. I’m totally okay with ambiguity in fictional universes. What’s more important is how the characters in the story come to terms with the new or unexplainable. He didn’t

It’s not only because of his limited word choice. His character psychology is deficient. He doesn’t know how to create coherent descriptions— he’s definitely trying to describe things unseen in real life (which isn’t the problem) but when he can’t describe mundane features without tripping on himself there is a

Hopefully those changes fix the story.

The concepts in the Southern Reach series would have been much more compelling in the hands of a competent writer and thinker. I’m willing to check out the film because sometimes these adaptations work in the favor of smart directors who can translate or refine what was roughly conceived in books (a great example of

I suggested this elsewhere but when you start the series, make a count of Vandermeer’s pet words and how long he goes between using them. It’s a fun way to distract yourself from realizing you just committed yourself to reading three garbage books.

I thought the first book in the series was passable only because it was an interesting concept. Vandermeer is an awful writer so it is puzzling to read people going to bat for his writing style and composition. His character writing stinks as much as his prose. The next two books in the series are straight up

Generally, I find the things discussed in the Jezebel community far from having brilliance or talent. The content here is largely pop oriented and designed for maximum access.

How stupid do you have to be to think that is Psycho Mantis?

There’s a whole lot of hyperbole in this article regarding “brilliance” and “talent.”