
Mmm hmm. I could write a novel about this but, briefly: his ex was very good-looking and a terrible partner. What KILLS me is the number of men in our circle (both gay and straight) who seem to think that putting up with an attractive person’s unreasonable bullshit is a totally reasonable thing to do . . .

I know a few 40-something women who are dating, and they are in no way concerned with looks at the level that this guy is. Adding to my original post, I also get the sense from him that he has never spent any time thinking about what he is actually attracted to; instead, he just wants someone who is socially

Ideologically, you’re playing 3-D chess while the NRA is playing chutes & ladders and getting stuck in a chute.

I never watch trump because I cannot stand his disgusting repulsive face and his repellent off-putting voice.

It’s not about his feelings (although the article does stipulate that he might have mental issues, so great empathy, friend) it about making sure that we don’t contribute to toxic environments by propagating the idea that penis size (or lack thereof) is shameful.  

Thank you.
And yeah, I think we are all capable of toxic masculinity. The other example is when people use “virgin” to insult men. It actively suggests that promiscuity is a desirable trait and the opposite is not, which is a really toxic idea. It reinforces the idea in men that their value is linked to the number of

Excellent comment. Very thoughtful and well reasoned.

Thank you. I feel very flattered by your comment.

“insulated mediocrity and croynism” is a perfect way to put it. There are more deserving people out there. There are plenty of writers who are compelling AND not total assholes. We don’t have to put up with this from men OR women.

Yeah... it’s so weird. Bloggers never used to engage with commenters, or at least as far back as I can remember which is when Lindy was still here. It’s like people lost their shit because a blogger responded to them and that somehow validated them, because the blogger was an asshole.

Same. She was a rude asshole that other rude assholes propped up because she reinforced their behavior. Hard pass. And also, what the hell is Freeform? This whole circle jerk interview is like congratulating your friend who moved on from working at the grocery store to working at the mall.

I loved her articles, but honestly it’s kinda hard seeing someone who’s bullied you and others in the comment section/elsewhere have success. Oof. Remember how she used to jump in and call people “stupid”? (And no, they didn’t always deserve it.) This doesn’t sit well.

This song sounds completely indistinguishable from every royalty-free song used in the background of every commercial for low-end regional mall stores in the last 15 years.

We’ll see. I’m not a fan of the series, as the first book is about the only one that’s marginally comprehensible. Never understood the hype, save that VanderMeer is really well thought of by others in the field which tends to lead to glowing peer reviews even if he’s off putting out crap.

What an incredibly stupid and shallow thing to tweet.

Yikes! The conflation of social class with misogynistic attitudes towards women, vulvas, and the word pussy is an incredibly, burningly hot take on multi-millionaire heir-to-millions Donald Trump’s “pussy” comments. Maybe consider that misogyny isn’t especially a product of working-class culture?

Oo! Oo! Me! Pick me!

He’s right, and neither do like 99% of the people who use it.

“For so many reasons we’ve come to a place where activism is now about personal, not social, benefit.”

Indeed. It’s not quite as perplexing as, say, fans of the Kardashians/Jenners, who one could argue contribute even less to society than someone like Beyonce. I think they key word here is fantasy; these artists project a hyper-real glamorous image, and the advent of social media allows fans to feel like they are part