
Are you familiar with Darth Vader?

I think the problem is you. His role wasn’t poorly written. He wasn’t miscast. He is never a “whiny spoiled brat” and I kinda get the vibe you don’t understand Star Wars.

There’s nothing largesse about Sarah Kirsch’s impact in hardcore or the innovation and power of Clikatat Ikatowi’s first record.


You were using the term out of context in 2001.

Or you could be topical and talk about the genius of Clikatat Ikatowi’s “Orchestrated and Conducted by...” lp or the entire inspirational musical output by the late Sarah Kirsch.

Embassy! Julia! William Martyr 14! Policy of Three! Anasarca! One Eyed God Prophecy! Constatine Sankathi! Current! Amber Inn! Still Life! Portraits of Past! Ordination of Aaron! Shroom Union! Plunger! Bob Tiltion! Tribute! Manrae! Fingerprint! Undone! Ivich! Symptom of Isaac!

Now playing

No, it doesn’t. Try some Galleons Lap instead:

It’s a style of hardcore. The lyrics are usually pretty political. Much of the identity politics practiced by corny mainstream liberals today was developed and championed by people involved in that community.

Nope. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

No. Thursday is some pure poser garbage. Still crack up about when the singer had a fit about Daitro trashing on them.

Why are you blathering about mall punk?

No. Sunny Day was described as emo by people who were outside that whole scene (usually awful music journalists who never know what they are talking about).


Jawbreaker and Sunny Day are not emo.

Emo means “emotional hardcore.” The term was co-opted by squares, out of touch journalists (like the one who wrote this article), mall punks, Hot Topic, etc.

What’s you’re social class?

Jezebel prefers things that are generally lowbrow and formulaic.

That’s not good satire. Can you identify all the conservative notions built into that argument?