
He certain appears to be a sexist pile of turds.

If he’s doing satire (in the loosest definition), he’s doing it poorly and he doesn’t understand that satire is dead.

You’re taking an extraordinarily thoughtless and reactionary approach that causes just as many problems as the one you’re trying to work around. You’re advocating bad reporting to circumvent bad reporting.

Cool. So you found a reasonable definition (the definition of terrorism changes state by state, throughout federal organization, and nations but this is a mostly workable definition that still needs a little clarity— for instance, attacks against military targets is not terrorism; insurgencies generally are not

Please research the problem of how the definition of terrorism has expanded since 9/11 with various degrees of inconsistency and how it creates a problem in identifying, preventing and prosecuting terrorism. Then research how new broad definitions create new problems of state overreach.

Woah, that definition has lots of problems.

Nope. Terrorism is the intent to coerce political or social change through violence.

Not terrorism. Sigh. When did people lose any sense of what constitutes terrorism?

No. Until some kind of political intent is associated with this, we cannot say it was domestic terrorism.

I wonder how many times I’ll have to say “this wasn’t terrorism” after reading discussions about this attack.

This attack wasn’t terrorism. 

The reason why this incident isn’t terrorism isn’t because he’s white. It’s because it doesn’t fit any kind of standard definition of terrorism.

I think it’s interesting to observe couples because it’s fascinating to try reasoning how they objectify and project fantasies onto the other. Fascinating because I can’t fathom how so many unanimated golems of both sexes maintain those fantasies beyond superficial characteristics.

Vehicles of the Empire and the Rebellion. Not Sith and Jedi.

Vehicles of the Empire and the Rebellion. Not Sith and Jedi.

These novels were really bad.

Oh cool, another roundtable discussion on pop culture trash by people who have notoriously bad taste.

2/10 and we are square.

There’s nothing literary about this writing. It’s low brow and entry level.

I quit reading the review after a while because it was just bad fiction. I was also hoping for something more concise than the IGN review.

Terrible piece of writing. Terrible review.