
Are you a serial cheater?

Is it really surpising? Beyonce is about money. A double lp set usually costs no more than 30 or 40 depending on who releases it. A lot of small labels don’t charge more than 25. There’s no reason that this shouldn’t cost more than 60 except for greed.

That doesn’t address the question I’m asking. Most likely, these dudes weren’t all that great in the first place.

How did you end up married to him? Like, I don’t quite understand the steps one takes to fully commit to someone you had to have known kinda sucks.

People having lanes is some pretty backwards conservative thinking. “Supposed to” is a dangerous position.

Of course.

If you try to call them out on it, one of the staff members will tell you you’re wrong, it’s your fault, and you’re projecting.

Just wait until you tell people that Beyonce isn’t a revolutionary figure (and a mediocre performer)!

She’s an adult. Let her decide what is appropriate for herself.

By assuming a person is some turgid mens rights activist because they acknowledge how these sorts of articles reveal the supposed transgressions and traditionalism of romantic relationships sorta says more about how limited and flimsy your perspective might be rather than the people commenting on the problem.

It’s a regular Jezebel feature that shows the a very particular ideological contradiction that the writers and readership will try to justify until the end of time (while unself-consciously defending their own preferences like exclusively dating tall guys or whatever).

That dude’s demeanor and kiss avoidance at the end is curious.

You make it sound like being anti-capitalism and anti-corporation is a bad thing.

That’s the black bloc. It’s time everyone take a step back and carefully study underground movements before throwing out terms willy-nilly.

No. Antifa started a very long time ago. Different Antifa groups have been prevalent in Europe.

No, it’s not.

Yeah, you absolutely shouldn’t have a voice if you’re not with the in-crowd.

So interpretation isn’t based on a long history of patterns established on this site. Cool.

You must not be very familiar with context.