
Why would you want to go longer than ten minutes?

Sorry, I’m getting all the Hot Topic/false emo nerds mixed up.

How is getting into bands like Moss Icon, Embrace, Rites of Spring, Julia, Portraits of Past, etc “slightly less tolerable?” You’re probably talking about Fall Out Boy and Dashboard Confessional, so my point stands.

Your emo phase probably wasn’t very emo either.

I have no idea how Slint ended up on that list. They don’t fit into the pop culture category of all the other performers.

The music that has been “covered for years” has been the worst of what will appear on a car commercial.

So you started listening to a bunch of stuff on Dischord and Ebullition records? What’s intolerable about that?

Linkin Park is not an emo band. This article and comment is section is for the culturally illiterate.

Slint does not belong on that list. This list also shows the shallowness of this community’s knowledge in bad music (or music in general which is nothing new).

The scene is set up poorly. There’s a bad storm. There’s terrible fog. If it was an accident, it’s not depicted in that manner. It’s very deliberate and even that doesn’t make sense considering there’s no way either fleet would have seen each other. Euron’s fleet leaving Kings Landing without notice by anyone doing

It’s a stretch to intercept them in that fog and the Iron fleet having no idea that Euron’s fleet was on-route to them.

That’s not what’s being asked.

You can suck it.

I would not take advice from any who would give “unfortunately, some of those folks have big dicks that work nicely and sweet apartments and great relationships with their moms” as an outline for an attractive romantic partner.

Editted. Nevermind. I wish this site didn’t have this grey nonsense.

Misusing “literally” is just as bad as inappropriate quotation marks.

That’s the first thought I had while reading that garbage statement.

Who thinks that dude is an indie singer? I’m totally losing a grip on how squares talk about things.

Wow. A lot of awful human beings who celebrate mediocrity are really upset with you. They can all go to hell.

People who do make crap vids like this are the reason why Trump won.