
I don’t know, wouldn’t there be a more effective way to approach this critically? It’s one thing to call someone stupid for mixing up plot point in GoT. It’s a whole different matter when someone is attempting to conceptualize their experiences with sexism and how it opens the door to seeing other sorts of

Does no one care about economic class anymore and how it creates distinct advantages?

It’s almost like people who talk about intersectionality don’t really care all that much about intersectionality and the complications of awareness and decorum that is, you know, learned through participation. The cultural capital of the Woke Games is garbage.

Stupid articles like this don’t help. This sort of virtue signaling keeps people at a distance, doesn’t encourage critical engagement, and ensure a system of rote and superficial awareness that pretty much describes whatever stupid crap is wokeness in 2017. 

Your comment is stupid. No one is saying he’s a “more elevated brand of social consciousness.” Prioritizing written pieces over painting is also a strange complaint to make. The kind of art he produces is useful because it efficiently engages basic social/political commentary. It does exactly what it should do. Way to

What does Clover Hope have to do with indie rock? It’s just bad taste.

“It is also true that the screen grab used by The Wrap comes from a scene in which Dunham’s Hannah is masturbated on, then holds the penis of a famous writer, played by Rhys.”

I stopped reading after he said “literally ground zero.” I kinda figured that he’s one of those glib people who don’t really understand what they are saying.

They should have just called it Order 66.

Also, that song linked does not explore “the nuances of shoegaze.”It explores another facet of car commercial music (which seems to be the focus of the Muse).

This sounds like generic car commercial jams trying to market being young and free. No thanks.

Not trolling. There’s a lot of stuff on these blogs that show entrenched and unacknowledged conservatism. It’s disappointing.

It’s people who like to play the woke-game revealing their conservative traditionalist preference in masculine gender expression. See the recent Zaddies article from this past weekend as evidence.

I don’t run track and I still do intervals while running.

I approve of you removing the quotation marks in your post.

Yes, ride in the middle of the road when:

Don’t get all self-conscious about wearing bib shorts. If you’re piling on clothing on top of the shorts, you’re just creating more of a hassle for yourself. Don’t wear jeans. Jerseys are nice because they are breathable and depending on the weather, you can adjust ventilation with the zipper. Cotton is a huge

The people I see riding bikes on sidewalks usually aren’t the sort of people who are going to read about cycling on a blog (DUI-dads, homeless dudes with stolen mountain bikes, little kids, college idiots, etc.) These are also the sorts of people who will ride the wrong way in a bike lane.

The transliteration of Asahd is really bugging me.

Not all sharks have to move constantly to breathe.