
Don’t get all “please” fussy with me. Class is part of what I was alluding to but not in justification of caste-like systems that you seem to suggest. However, class relations exist everywhere along with in/out groups. Class is still an aspect of culture. It doesn’t dangle separately next to it. There’s no magical

We all know these blogs are filled with the corniest of squares. Generally, the writers and readers here have very limited cultural knowledge.

And on a second note: considering the language you are using, I am under the impression that you really don’t understand the concept you are playing with and you should spend a whole lot of time studying the idea of cultural appropriation and its boundaries and problems. So, no, I don’t to try “reading up on the topic

Holy crap. No. This just might be the dumbest thing I’ve read this week and I’ve been torturing myself with Sam Harris and youtube personalities.

Please do.

No yourself.

No. This is ridiculous. It also demonstrates the weakness of the idea of appropriation (in its current popular application) when it callously ignores power relationships and other dynamic within superficial communities.

Yes, that is cultural appropriation.

Now playing

That stuff has nothing to do with emo, though. Like, nerds in the 2000s stole the word and rewrote the history. It’s like an alt-universe where political hardcore that defined “emo” never existed. That whole youtube community is just filled with posers.

Jezebel writers wouldn’t have a clue.

This is kinda a lesser argument I’m going to introduce to this and not meant to derail the general discussion, but Jezebel staff, since you’re really big on cultural appropriation, it might be a good idea to not identify this stuff as “emo.” Sure, if you’re a corny person who only listens to radio music, you wouldn’t

I played in a marsh when I was in sixth grade. Lots of kids do this thing called going outside. And I know this sounds crazy but adults do this as well!

That article was so stupid.

And tall dudes are not accused of “overcompensating” for identical behavior because they have a right to that kind of toxic behavior (you know, because they all tall) or it’s excused because it’s attractive for them to be walking garbage piles (because they are tall).

This isn’t about you.

“ the Napoleon complex is a real thing and many shorter guys I’ve been with have been overcompensating douchebags.”

I absolutely do not understand this.

What is with this tall stuff? Height has no relation to whether I find someone attractive, so I don’t get what’s so important or striking about it.

No. This is really goofy and it’s like being caught between two lies that you’re trying to force down to feel good about going for the pre-literate tall guy.

How awful is this conversation and your contribution to it?