
I could understand once. Maybe she knew she just couldn’t hold it any longer. But to continually do it over and over again? And then to just simply answer dudes question with a yes and run off afterwards. I’d have to wait for her too do it again and when she was in position sneak up on her amd bash her in the head

I disagree. Just because you stop doing the neo-nazi stuff listed doesn’t mean your no longer a neo-nazi. You have to eliminate the true hatred from your heart to no longer be neo-nazi. Just because they stop the actions doesn’t mean anything. It’s the hatred that has to end.

And whobthe fuck are you to say someone grills incorrectly? I hate anything on the bottom bun except the meat. I’ve always eaten it with all the shit on top. And that’s the way I love my burger. Just because you choose to eat yours like a fucking dumbass doesn’t mean I have to! What makes YOU the expert here and

I don’t know about you and some people really don’t care. But I HATE my veggies on the bottom of the meat. I hate anything below the meat. So I guess I’ll remain a “moron” and put everything on top and let the cheese ooze down the sides.

If she came at the officers with a knife in her hands ready willing and able to stab either of them the why would this be an unjustified shooting. Furthermore they are on paid leave because it’s standard SOP for all Police departments across the nation in this situation. And it’s paid because after this occurs they

Why? Because the sidewall is larger?

We out the “L” before the “E” in most cases.

It’s a deck.

The military calls basically anything your standing on a “deck”. The ground is deck, the floor in a building is a deck, the ships deck is a deck. everyone has their own language.

Only liberals have and use safe spaces. Berkeley is a prime example of that!

Just as obama did with his scamulus package AKA “the affordable care act.” Of which hardly ANY doctors take and hardly any one could afford!! Just as Pelosi stood at the podium saying we need to pass it so we can find out what’s in it. ( anytime someone says that, you KNOW it’s bad. If they had shown the American

I bet he’s wishing he could turn back the hands of time and just play the game instead of bringing his political views onto a field of play. It’s a world stage for a GAME not a soapbox for politics. He gets what he deserves for showing how STUPID he is. If he’s is THAT dedicated to his cause run for office somewhere.

I just LOVE how the media exaggerates on how bad PRESIDENT TRUMP is. Pushing us toward la all kinds of wars? And obama did nothing but EMPOWER ISIS thru ignoring what they truly are. The media has lost everything to gloat about now that the liberals have NOTHING. They don’t have the house, senate nor the Whitehouse.

That’s funny. Because before the “lying ignouramous” got elected we had a lying America destroying prez elected ..... OBAMA. so it looks like the dumb generation was the one that started it first.

“Their base obviously gives zero shits if they bald faced lie”

As opposed to having the hell taxed out of me to pay for someone else’s healthcare and my taxes go up even more under the Hillary/obama continuation of their version of a socialist ideaology United States. No thanks I’d rather take my chances with trump at the helm than to KNOW where the U.S. is headed under Hillary’s