
Oh, I forgot that we live in an age of idiotic relativism. The future will judge us poorly for the insanity you’ve just stated.

Oh, I forgot that we live in an age of idiotic relativism. The future will judge us poorly for the insanity you’ve

It’s click bait. It’s really good click bait, and he might actually believe it, but he knows the whole world disagrees with him. He gets a reaction so he keeps posting it.

It’s click bait. It’s really good click bait, and he might actually believe it, but he knows the whole world

Is this sarcasm? If this isn’t the time to report someone for “abusive chat”, then there isn’t a time for it.

That’s super easy to fix. Maybe if Americans had a tiny amount personal responsibility, and didn’t look to Daddy Government for everything, it wouldn’t be an issue in the first place.

The autopilot of a plane requires the pilot to pay attention. It’s not like the plane just flies itself. If anything goes wrong, the pilot is supposed to take over. Also, the plane can’t take off or land. Another thing is that autopilot has been known to make errors, hence the awake and aware pilot.

I have both consoles too, and you know what? Power doesn’t matter. I can’t detect a difference. Other than the controller. I love the Xbox controller. I can’t understand why Sony doesn’t update their mid 90's controller. It’s uncomfortable as all get out!

Destiny - Space travel = Anthem?

How does this one do with Audible.com? For some reason, the last model would cut the first syllable off of the first word of every paragraph. It was impossible to listen to audiobooks.

How does this one do with Audible.com? For some reason, the last model would cut the first syllable off of the

No, I realize there are a few people who don’t know how to play Destiny. I understand that some people think they should play it for the story.

What do you call the whole “Black Garden” thing? How about “The Stranger”? Didn’t we save the Traveler, or what’s left of him?

How many times could you play for the story El Huervo? Once? Twice?

I disagree with this so much. HoW was the apex IMO. I don’t give two turds about the story, no one plays Destiny for the story. I wanted to advance. I wanted cool stuff. I wanted to use my cool stuff against people who had other cool stuff. HoW nailed this feeling more than any other expansion.

I know. But if they are getting dedicated servers (the most requested feature behind matchmaking for Nightfall and Raids) why wouldn’t they be singing about it from the mountain tops?

Microsoft does allow cross play on Xbox One. Sony does not, at least not on Destiny.

I hate this idea. Is this Bungie’s way of getting out of buying dedicated servers?

They’re going to make Trials, raids, and the Nightfall “available to all players,” which presumably means matchmaking.

As far as I know, Amazon only removed books once, when there was a licensing issue with George Orwell books. This is not a normal practice for Amazon.

Shouldn’t they be excluded? Hasn’t research shown that men’s hand eye coordination is better than women’s on average? Hasn’t it also been shown that men have better spacial perception than women? Do we agree that men’s brains are wired differently than women’s?

I don’t understand why anyone would play a game like that. I’ve heard so many things that make me wonder why people play this game. Why do people do this to themselves?

Exactly. Broken legs, rolling halfway down the hill, not moving because you passed out at a minimum, dead at maximum. Yeah, the enemy shouldn’t have expect an attack like that, because it shouldn’t have been possible.