I understand what you’re saying. But, can we make a distinction between people who earn most of their money by investments, and people who supplement their income, or save it for retirement?
I understand what you’re saying. But, can we make a distinction between people who earn most of their money by investments, and people who supplement their income, or save it for retirement?
Wow. You actually followed up your idiotic comment with something even dumber! Keep em’ coming! You’re hilarious!
Really? Please point out, for the record, where I responded to his idiotic claim. How did I refute the foolishness of his argument? Where did I pick apart his poorly constructed accusation? What evidence did I give to prove that he made a truly asinine comment?
That was truly idiotic. My IQ went down by reading it. Nothing worth responding to, it’s just trash.
Well, could it be because the last two administrations were weak, and they shouldn’t have allowed those tests. You do realize we are still in a state of war with North Korea, right? That war never ended. We called cease fire, but the war continues.
Throw the book! There should be no more book after the sentence has been read, because the entire thing should have been thrown at these idiots!
I actually hold the admittedly amazing visuals against the movie. The director seemed far more interested in wowing the audience with cool camera work and special effects than telling a decent story. After a half hour in, we’d seen most of the special effects, and every camera angle. It actually got really annoying…
People used to complain when an entire episode would go by with only one zombie. Now we are complaining because there are too many zombies? Personally, I’m grateful when a zombie show features zombies.
Huh? You’re right! But I don’t see the comment I replied to now, so, oh well. Sorry ‘bout that.
Why would someone else’s preference to show off armor instead of their face annoy you? How does it affect you?
You need to play a few Telltale games. You’ll get the joke. It’s a pretty good joke, and the games are good too.
It is undeniably the best move for what has become a somewhat stale game over the past year thanks to skewed weapon balance and a lack of new content
That is quite possibly, the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Bravo Fahey, Bravo!
Okay. I thought your reply was odd. But I completely understand if Gawker’s antiquated comment system is to blame. Perhaps they should replace it with Disqus. Disqus is smooth as butter. Gawker’s comment system is trash.
Not good enough. It’s always good to see positive change, but this isn’t enough.
Here’s a flow chart without the chart.
The pods are expensive
The pods are expensive
Would you like me to do it? Obamacare, you shouldn’t force people to buy insurance just because they are alive. There is nothing else like it in the United States. Forcing people to buy car insurance or home insurance is not the same thing. Car ownership and home ownership are privileges, not rights, like life. …
I’d like to see how many people download the DRM free version of this game, vs the number of people that buy it. I haven’t heard about this game other than this article, and I can’t imagine that there would be a lot of excitement about a Conan game. I would expect sales to be extremely low anyway.
Why do people think Trump made this decision in a vacuum? You do realize he has advisers, right? Lot’s of high brass generals that say this stuff needs to get done.