LOL, I can’t even edit my post! An antiquated website with antiquated gifs and an antiquated comment system.
LOL, I can’t even edit my post! An antiquated website with antiquated gifs and an antiquated comment system.
Jeez! Your gifs are getting out of control! I’m trying to read the article, but I’ve got all these BS gifs trying to get my attention while I read. “Hey, look at me! I’m a worthless gif that’s worthless! No, don’t look at the words, LOOK AT ME!!!”
“Get out there and make sure the players have a good time. And make sure you smile while they hit you.”
You’re a remarkable idiot
You’re assuming that the next movie will retcon (get rid of, change, invalidate) what happened in The Last Jedi. At this point, you have no information to support your theory. All the cards are on my side of the table.
Oh, you didn’t see the movie? Why are you commenting then?
You’re A Remarkable Troll
Nope. Keep thinking that though.
The Last Jedi was Disney’s chance to answer the question you just asked. They answered it with, “No”.
Chosen one is Anakin, not Luke. At least when Lucas still owned Star Wars. Anakin was no one’s “Hero”. So you missed the point.
I’ll give you the hard life argument. It still doesn’t come close to answering how she was able to beat a “Non-Sith” lord. But at least it’s something.
Thank you. That’s always the type of reply I give to comments that are as in depth as yours.
No he didn’t.
I would agree. Except that Finn = Jar Jar, just without the stupid talk. Everything is better without Jar Jar. But you are acting like Jar Jar wasn’t in this movie.
Wow. Way to latch on to one insignificant comment and forget the entire rest of the post. Don’t bother addressing the issues at all. Just make a big deal out of a throw away comment. Well done!
Such a well thought out and expressed opinion. I bow to your intelligence. Your twelve year old intellect is so superior to mine.
Are you a derp? Seriously, how stupid are you? Hey derp, we didn’t go to Solo. We aren’t going to Episode 9 (unless major changes happen at Lucasfilm). Haven’t you been paying attention?
But, we didn’t lose perspective at all. Half of us just think this was way, way worse than any of the things you just mentioned. Also, you realize Finn’s head fell into poo on Canto Bight, right? Kind of a double standard there if you’re using Jar Jar’s foot in poo against me.
No, exactly like Luke did not do in the original trilogy. The exact opposite of what Luke did.
What are you confused about?