
SUVs of course. The fact that they’re terrible gas-guzzling dangerous garbage, while it is the reason why I wouldn’t want to own one, is not my objection to somebody crazy enough to want a crappy car like that having one for himself.

Who cares what she thinks? I mean, obviously her ability to form trenchant observations is *not* the reason anyone pays attention to her. Maybe let’s ignore the idiot and pay attention to someone who actually has something to say. Kat Blaque is pretty good.

fuck “class”. she’s trying to make real change in the industry. expecting women to be “classy” while they work hard at things is just another way of policing them.

It’s like your racist aunt’s forwarded emails became sentient, coagulated into a semi-human form, developed narcissistic personality disorder and dementia, and were voted into the Oval Office.

Even if they don’t, John McCain can still go fuck himself.

But he was the glue that held the team together!

I always reassure myself by thinking “No one is even paying attention to you. No one cares what you look like.” Then I see something like this.

Yup, the OKC Thunder deserve to die in a fire for what they did leaving Seattle. I applaud Durant for escaping and will enjoy watching him torch the league with KD, Curry, and Klay combining to average 85 points a game. . .


The Warriors are a necessary evil. For the sake of the Sonics, OKC cannot advance. All hail the Warriors for this series.

Still beg to disagree. The evidence was mostly circumstantial, but there was so much that any doubt to the contrary was not reasonable. I first thought that it was another instance of the CSI effect, where juries demand impractical amounts of forensics, but based on post trial interviews it seems like they were

Are you referring to the scintillating piece of mancandy in the photo above? By which I mean... barf?

Countercounterpoint: Arrange your life in such a way that you almost never have to fly, because it’s always terrible.

Your problem is that you have too many friends. I don’t know 26 people well enough to be invited to their weddings. It’s cheaper that way.

I pop mine in olive oil and it definitely makes it tasty.

I’m thinking that Mr. ‘Creator of Cultural Content’ needs to get off his dead ass and swallow his pride and get a real job that pays. If you can put two words together, McDonald’s will make you a manager in 2 weeks. It sucks, but it pays the bills until you get back on your feet.

Yeah, this gives me a newfound respect for the lad. He has not given an inch. Now I want him to up the ante- I’d be happy to send him some fresh insults to use.

Kudos for hitting a bridge and not oncoming traffic. If you’re going to kill yourself, do it right. Well done sir. No pun intended...

In my experience, this is really common in houses in California. The house I live in right now has overhead lighting in the bathrooms, kitchen and one hallway only. (It does kind of suck.) I’ve also lived in multiple houses without dishwashers. And the last several places I’ve lived have had the laundry in the garage