
You forgot the Lizard People.

Ah, the aroma of Tacoma.

Stupid San Diego affiliate chose to break into the finale to announce there had been an earthquake! A very minor one that had no reported injuries or damage! In southern California that has earthquakes with no injuries or damage practically weekly, if not DAILY. Infuriating.

Side one of the first Boston album: More than a Feeling, Peace of Mind, Foreplay/Long Time. I owe significant hearing loss to this record. This is the correct answer.

On Wednesday, you can read our final interview from the set of Infinity War, in which Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan discuss the Falcon and Winter Soldier’s role in the film.

Right? I was wondering if I’d just had the world’s longest and most detailed deja vu episode ever. Or possibly a stroke.

He’s a bandaid away from Al Davis.

Trump flaps his hands for a few seconds, Uncle Joe kicks him in the balls. Game over.

I don’t think there’s enough criticism of Wilson rousting a hotel full of people out of bed in this commentariat. Either you’re there for work in which case you’re stressed enough as it is, or you’re there on vacation and don’t really need to be forced out of bed in a scary, stressful way to stand around in your

I bought a 198...something Dodge Daytona because of this movie. And I’d STILL do Tim Thomerson in a heartbeat.

Here’s Ms. Thing, waiting for me to get in bed already.

Or...(looks around furtively)...Simon & Simon? This was just on some random LA channel a little while ago and the expression was used. THE SHOW HOLDS UP DAMMIT.

I was waiting and waiting for the “American Greed” on this tool...it was finally on last week, and disappointing. I understand what happened better, but he’s still incomprehensible. Unless you assume his personality is 10% arrogance and 90% speed, I guess.

I drive an FR-S, a car primarily known for not exactly being overpowered. A week ago a guy in an A4, stopped beside me at a light on a well-traveled 4-lane in a VERY snoozy corner of suburbia, rolled down his window and pounded on his car to get my attention and proceeded to yell repeatedly, “wanna race?” I pretended

Tuxedo won by two votes...but best not look up the cat v. dog championship.

Wow, this was a disturbingly long time ago....

AND a tuxedo, scientifically proven to be the best kind of cat.

Having been to multiples of these types of things, I assume the actual problem people will be exempted entirely (as they are obviously the people important to the enterprise, of they would have been fired long ago), and the rest of the pissants will spend a day being instructed on how to deal with the problem people.

Now playing

Still love the song though. Just...don’t listen to the lyrics while doing the math.