
Shortly after I moved to San Diego, there was a huge grocery strike. It affected all the major chains, and went on for months. I was new to the city and didn’t know Stater Brothers, Whole Foods was too expensive, Trader Joes/Henry’s didn’t have things I needed...in desperation I went into a WalMart grocery. I carted

Miku’s twin brother (John Steed) lives in my garage.

No one punishes anyone or makes anyone feel bad because of the way they FEEL. Who care what anyone feels? I personally don’t have the ability to read someone’s feelings, and I’m kind of thinking that no one does. The only thing that matters is what you DO. If you speak homophobe, if you act homophobe — you’re a

And a medium-well “no exceptions” burger. Blerg. What’s up with that? Burgerim, at least the one near me, gave me well done twice in spite of asking for “as rare as you are permitted by law”. The third time told me they only do medium-well. I’m sure it’s a mandate from in-house counsel, but you’ve seen the last of my

I’ve heard the value at Costco is good.

They’re contagious.

Let me preface this by saying: I am old. Ahem. I like cash for the budgeting aspect — I take $X in cash for two weeks “walking around” money, and when it’s gone no more spending until Day 15. I still keep a “check” register where I document every debit purchase and true-up every few days against what the bank tells me

I read an article that said, because you get a lot of different lettuces in the salad each year, over time the vaccine/process becomes more effective. In your body, you get a lot of different “immunities” each time you get the shot, so after a couple of decades it’s more effective than if it were the first one you

I don’t think Reagan gets enough blame for kicking off this nightmare we’re in now. (Empowering the dumbass population, chiefly, and normalizing dementia in elected officials.) I mean, at least he had been a governor. My aunt, an uneducated moron, voted for him because “he looks so cute in his jeans”. She voted for

Here is Fabio, who is too dumb to breathe in and out. But he’s an outstanding nap buddy.

She sounds like the kind of person who thinks people that don’t like her are “just jealous”.

My daily driver Toyota pickup, which parked indoors about half the time, had a fine coating of moss on the roof after a winter in Kingston WA. But no rust.

Completely agree. I used to have Today on while getting ready for work, mostly out of habit, but after the election I’ve never watched it again. AFAIC it was the leading proponent of normalizing Trump, and Lauer the face of that. Obviously he was just doing what the signer of his paycheck wanted, but I couldn’t look

“They complain that they’re placed in the middle of the argument.” I hate that with the passion of billion burning suns. I quote Desmond Tutu:

I was disturbed by his last book, the one discussing his campaigns, the big recount mess, and serving in the Senate. He argues at length that you have to be cordial and work with the teabaggers if you want to get anything accomplished for your constituency. At some point he says to one of the worst (McConnell?) after

Because cooking and clean up is the entertainment being provided. How many “dinner parties” have I been invited to, which are advertised to start at 7 or so, but the ingredients are actually still in the fridge at 7...dinner finally cooked and served at 10 after everyone has gathered around for three hours just

You know how you’ll see a little news promo on TV at about 8:30 at night — “New at eleven, aliens land on the Capitol Mall!”, or, “Stay tuned, golden retriever graduates from Cornell with a degree in history! Details at eleven.” or whatever, something to keep you around for a few hours. WHY is it so common for wedding

The best pickled food is herring. With a lot of pickled onions. I don’t know what magic makes it so delicious.