
If a pharmaceutical company invented a cure for anything, they’d immediately put all the research dollars into inventing a time machine so they could go back in time and start selling it sooner.

A neighbor told me once, as we were standing at the bus stop, that she was writing a book, a sort of oral history of women and their experiences being abused or molested. Not the grotesque cases, like Ariel Castro, but the “everyday grotesque” — a young girl being groped by her doctor, a 16 year old having her dad’s

A neighbor breastfed until her son was old enough to run at her and yell, “titty! titty!”

A friend of mine, not a dummy but sadly a lifelong Republican, but not a Trump supporter, says Trump is the Democrats’ fault — many of them that voted for Obama voted for Trump which swung the election. She says she is a “moderate Republican”, and when I point out that thanks largely the Koch brothers there’s no

I keep being told this is a popular character but my brain can’t accept it. Very similar to the feeling I have about Trump as president.

I think the Good Place comes back tonight? I. CANNOT. WAIT.


I have a question about this whole Gold Company/High Garden gold business. They had enough in the vault to both pay back the Lannisters’ enormous debt AND hire some kind of monstrous mercenary army? Why didn’t Olenna just hire them herself and take care of business years ago? Was the gold enough only to get square

Thousand Oaks, I bet. I figured she lives here, because why else?

My first car was a manual Mercury Bobcat (Pinto), which I drove around for my first job in hilly downtown Seattle. I’ve had both types of transmissions in the 40 years since, and currently DD a manual FR-S, but I am not super happy with my shifting performance, esp. in low gears. When my dad was teaching me, he would

She was awesome in the “Case Against 8" (re the anti-same sex marriage proposition in CA) documentary. IIRC, she was in SF and one of the couples was in Los Angeles at the clerk’s office to get a license the day of the Supreme Court decision. The clerk wouldn’t issue it because they hadn’t heard yet from their

My CPA is very qualified. My Federal withholding was set at 4, as recommended (as I have carryover losses from a rental property going back two years). What my accountant does with my taxes almost a year later has nothing to do with what taxes are taken out at the point of issuance of a bonus check.

I just got my yearly bonus for 2016 and received 52% of it after taxes. I paid almost double the rate Cheeto Jesus paid. And I don’t make $400K. Or $200K. And that 48% would mean a whole lot more to me than the 75% he had to struggle to live on.

I’m in my mid-fifties, not that much younger than these people. Though, I didn’t live my life on a farm in rural Australia, so I guess it’s not a perfect comparison. But I can’t believe that people that are generally in my demographic cohort fall for this shizz. Or are polite enough to listen to the spiel! I’m

My oven/range died (was in the house when I bought it), and I went to Sears to pick out a new one. I got a little confused at first, honestly couldn’t remember if I had a white or a black one, then I saw one that was BOTH. It had a black top and a white front, or the other way around — this was years ago -- and I

And not just that one.

I was behind a guy in the line at the rental car place at SeaTac, and the counter person asked what he was in town for. He said: “I’m hear to smoke some weed and go to a lesbian wedding.” This was before the Supreme Court decision, obviously.

Thank you for listing Kaeding first. San Diego had a moment, and he ended it. And then he did it again the next year. And they never had another one.

All I want is my own, dedicated workspace and a monitor. Instead I will soon have to play musical chairs in a NEXT GEN office, with space for about 65% of the people attempting to work in the “neighborhood”, and only a third of the stations will monitors. Super! But there’s a shuffleboard table so, I guess it’s