
Yah, I saw that too. So, staying in SD and being a billionaire is just too much of a burden? My heart breaks for you...oh wait, no, the other thing — go fuck yourself.

I have three kids. They fight over everything.


Senor Doble.

Whenever I read anything about GRRM and his destined-to-be-completed-by-someone-else sequels, I’m reminded of this from Wonder Boys:

AND don’t forget that taxpayers had paid out quite a lot not very many years earlier to upgrade Key Arena, with a promise that it would keep the Sonics around. It was half measures and would never have worked, but that still stung, and if I recall correctly, Safeco Field was funded despite a statewide vote against it

I got the best Christmas present in years this year. Those of you who grew up in Seattle in the sixties and seventies know what I’m talking about!

My mom was born ten days before women had the right to vote. She’s in very poor health and won’t see another election — I get a little teary when I consider she got to live long enough to see this. When you consider all the changes on the planet that have occurred in the course of her 96 years on it, I think this is

Well, Aegon III and Arianne Martell, for one example. Clearly that plot isn’t making it into the show at this point, but it remains a pretty big part of where things left off with the books. As far as I can remember, which probably isn’t as clearly as everyone else commenting on this thread....

I think the TV show killed any chance of getting the books. The show has shown how much of the book plot/characters are red herrings, and I can’t imagine Martin is super motivated to keep going with all of them, hundreds of pages of what amounts to filler for spoiled readers. If I were his age and had his money, I

Norv is not looking good.

This asshole intended to put the clinic and the doctor out of business, did so, and then argues that it was the doctor’s duty to expend whatever effort and funds to put the clinic back in business, so some other asshole could then do the same thing. Fuck that guy.

No one in the History of Ever except me (and it sounds like you) has brought a filled-out form with them to the post office counter.

Are you me?

Completely agree, BMW driver gets no defense from this corner either. But who knows how long he’d been behind dashcam driver, slowly going insane?

I hope Hillary comes out breathing fire. And I think she will.

I totally saw a Hitler head in a Futurama-style jug.

Also, they broke her Taylor guitar!

When I was young and dumb (now I am old and cynical, but also still pretty dumb), I was introduced to a co-worker’s fiance -- “Russell Cologne”. Later I asked her if he was a lounge singer and was that his stage name? I’d never heard “Colon” as a name before.

The outfield at Petco Park in San Diego has these grassy terraces that are actually divided up into “seats” (or at least they use to be, it’s been years since I was there). Once I was in charge of getting all the “seats” in one of the terraces so a bunch of us, including two families with multiple little kids, could