
My father, parent of six (born in 1918, though) never changed a diaper until he was in his 70’s, a grandson. He threw up.

A great reason why no little boy can be named Richard anymore.

Come over here and sit by me!

My five years older brother told me if I ran over the cord with the vacuum cleaner it would explode or something...I STILL (40 years later) think about it everytime I vacuum. Which, eh, isn’t all that often.


Night of my senior prom (1980) stood in line in my fab outfit while Brand X parked the car — the plan was to see the movie then go to the party. Unfortunately, open container, no cell phones in those days, cops looking for snotty teenagers to get off the road, yadda yadda...I ended up NOT seeing the movie, NOT going

Years ago I read this description of a candle: “That ephemeral odor of the living room a few minutes after the end of a Parisian dinner when the guests have just left.” I became obsessed — I HAD TO KNOW WHAT THAT SMELLS LIKE. (Cigarettes, right?) Anyway, in a weak moment after years of thinking about it, I ordered a hu

“a linen lingerie bag,”

Last weekend I had a sauce incident at a nice grocery store. Two bottles of sloppy joe sauce fell out of the cart where the toddler’s legs would go (why is this still a thing? i haven’t seen a toddler in a cart in years) and smashed at my feet. The floor, my feet, legs and the cart wheels were covered in thick sweet

I have three of these. And as soon as I close this window and open ebay, I will also have “let’s get it on” because THAT needs to be in my house immediately

In the same way solar panels take away sunshine?

Works great for me. But I guess sadly not for everyone. My aunt washed her hair with Whisk detergent...different strokes!

So, I’ve been no-poo for a year now. (It’s working fantastic for me. I know that it doesn’t work for everyone.) I had to get my hair cut a couple weeks ago, went to a new place, and told the guy that no, he couldn’t wash my hair, only rinse. He assumed that I was using Wen, because apparently some of the users make

Last week I had a TSA agent ask me to take my hair down (was up in a twist) so she could feel around in there. Silly, but not really “profiling” unless middle aged white women are a new target group. It was just someone who felt like I could be hiding something in there. (Secrets!) And this is after I went through one

Came here to ask this very thing. Enoying clicking “Load More” a few dozen more times to get to the bottom of the comments...not.

I want to go back in time and buy you Transformers. And cable TV. But since I can’t, I’ll buy all my many many great-nephews and great-nieces (and a couple of great-greats) mini staplers.

A co-worker just told me that she’d instructed the boyfriend of her 23-year old daughter (they just moved in together) to call her, even if it’s the middle of the night, if the daughter gets into one of her “states”. When she saw the expression on my face (probably some combo of horrified and amused), she clarified:

have been known to page to the end of a book to make sure certain names are still showing up.

You know, with all the changes and consolidations and etc. around here, maybe it’s time for a Kardashian subblog? That 90% of us can ignore? And the people who WANT to read about them can get their fix all conveniently in one location? (500-days-of-I-don’t-get-this-joke can go there too, please.)

The same. For another 5-6 months. But, assuming you’re on the west side, you get Dicks Burgers! So there are compensations.