
A friend’s cat Louise died. She had two little boys at the time. She and her husband explained that when animals died, they went into the ground where they eventually turned into earth, and helped the trees and flowers grow. No kitty heaven for these kids! Anyway, a few months later they were out digging in the yard,

It really bothers me that almost everyone here in southern California writes “basura” on junk they leave around the garbage cans in offices, indicating it’s trash and should be tossed. First, it assumes that everyone cleaning offices is a Spanish speaker. Second, that the word “garbage” is somehow incomprehensible to

Well, Michael Musto. But otherwise nope.

Since we seem to be in a soda discussion here, I have a question which puzzles me greatly. Why do grocery stores carry Black Cherry Cream Soda, but not plain Black Cherry? I just got back from Ralphs (Kroger) and they had Virgil’s, IBC and Henry Weinhard Black Cherry Cream Soda, but plain Black Cherry for none of

Much like a “regular coffee” or “coffee regular” isn’t the opposite of decaf, it’s with milk. Apparently. In Connecticut where I went once and was very surprised at Dunkin Donuts. But still have this to show for it.

What’s wrong with Swedish week?

Oh man, Dwight is on already? I was a big fan of the original — have it on DVD, and have been saving this one on the DVR for a long weekend. But the early parts with Francis and Elizabeth and Verity have always bored me. I like the later Warleggan eps, with Dwight and Caroline, and even more Demelza’s brothers. Maybe

Or some iced horchata.

Ricardo Montalbán and Hervé Villechaize of Fantasy Island congratulate humanity but announce that everyone gets three lives in this game, and that the aliens currently lead 2 to 1. They send the dog from Duck Hunt to earth as a trophy.

A friend of mine had her purse stolen at a home game by a guy sitting behind them in the stands. One of my friend’s group (another woman) chased the guy through the stadium until finally he was stopped by Security. He then proceeded to tell them that my friend, whom he’d never met before, was his girlfriend and she’d

good god lemon

Who’s that supposed to be on the far right? Cousin Oliver?

Now playing

I lived in an apartment where the guy next door was learning the piano. I give him full credit for actually doing that “practice every day” thing they tell you to do. Unfortunately that meant that twice a day, for about 40 minutes each, I was treated to the sound of him playing the same beginning piano piece, making

It didn’t register as strange until the man stopped near the entrance and began relieving himself in the bushes outside.

So much exciting modern druggie lingo: blazing, buttchugging, chocking, doobie, DOOBIEZ, , Reefer, spliff, donuts, Austin. In MY day, we called it dope! That’s the way it was and we LIKED it! Flobble-de-flee!

I read a study once on the topic. What you need to do in order to get truly clean is to soak long enough your skin ... undergoes some kind of transformation, I forget how it was described. Pores open up, or something, dirt comes out. In a shower, that doesn’t happen because it’s not soaking wet for long enough.

What are these “police” who come to accidents you speak of? Seriously, one showed up, confirmed no one was injured, took off. Luckily, a woman also stopped at the intersection came up to me and handed me her card, said she’d seen the whole thing, and was happy to talk to whoever. She was with the Girl Scouts! Is there

I was stopped at a red light (I’d been stopped for at least 20 seconds) and got rear-ended by a 17 year old. My insurance company said fault was “unclear”. They’re no longer my insurance company.

Alexa (Amazon Echo) says, “undefined”.