
Someday one of these “open carry” idiots is going to run into a “stand your ground” idiot in some innocent-bystander location. Hopefully they’ll be the only casualties, but I’m not optimistic on that front. To quote Professor Farnsworth, “perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything!’

WELL worth it.

You sound fun.

That never fails to amaze me. I can’t hold my PURSE on my lap during takeoff. But it’s okay to hold a squirming baby?

Whew, mostly assholes and Scientologists. But I repeat myself....

Fly Southwest. Buy an extra “person of size” ticket online. Enjoy your two seats! Then after the flight the cost for the second seat is refunded. You also get priority boarding. They aren’t going to check you over at the airport, say — hey waitaminute — your ass would fit in ONE SEAT!! Who knows how long this loophole

It is now crucial that as a country we protect religious freedom and the right of conscience and also not discriminate.

Hee, yes, Ryan. (James May also pushes an adjacent button.)

I know this is a wrong opinion, but...I find him very sexy. Would do.

As a child in the 1960s, my dentist was an elderly gentleman who, doing the math, probably got his training in the 1920s. It was not a generally happy experience. Then in my 20s/30s I went to allegedly the best dentist in my city, the dentist to the dentists! He did beautiful work — still have a bridge he did that

Idiot Boy will leap four feet into the air if I scrape my foot while I’m walking and make a little noise. Even if he sees me doing it.

The Salted Pepper Wings at Mandarin Canton in Chula Vista are the MOST delicious things on this earth. In fact, next week I’m planning on making the round trip down there for them, despite the fact that it is pretty much an ALL DAY undertaking. Literally all day. They’re that good.

I just finished reading “Live From New York: The Complete, Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live as Told by Its Stars, Writers, and Guests” and the four things I took away: (1) there is powerfully mixed opinion re Lorne Michaels; (2) Norm McDonald genuinely did not care in the least if anyone else, in the

Oh geez, I’m sure I have that record. Off to listen.

Probably 30+ years ago, bus from Hartford to NY, some kid with a Walkman (or whatever it would have been in that era) singing along to a song on replay (that no one else could hear, of course) “If I’m not your lover, if I’m not your friend-end, tell me who I am-am?” for HOURS. That song still haunts me, and I have no

I will. Thanks!

I will check and try again. I kind of have the palate of a nine year old, I can’t eat cilantro and I think vanilla is the best flavor...but I do like yogurt, and not the supersweet kind. There used to be really good plain (and vanilla) options, but in later years I haven’t found a brand I really like. All too sweet!

I only ever tried it once, Fage, which I’ve heard is supposedly one of the better ones? I was aghast at how horrible it tasted.

Chocolate. I can get excellent chocolate, but I’m going to pay quite a lot for it, and for the stuff I really like I have to get it from chocosphere.com. In many other parts of the world, the chocolate bars at the counter at 7-11 (or whatever local equivalent) are made of good chocolate. Here, they’re inedible. Why do

Jon Snow is not returning. Unrelated, a new character named Jon Harrison will be joining the show.