
That’s exactly my experience of the Vega — my ex, an excellent mechanic, inexplicably loved this car. LOVED IT. Back in the day (early- to mid-80’s) he’d find them trashed/non-running, buy them for $350, put $350 into them...and sell them for $350.

Statistics. My brain just does not work that way. The instructor was a graduate student and not really a teacher (very common in undergrad), and could not help me “get it”. I dropped the class the last day I could, figured I’d take it after I’d completed everything else. Then I got the genius idea to take it in the

My brother, when he was a little kid, would literally only eat things that were brown. White-edging-toward-brown would sometimes be acceptable.

My mom grew up on a farm in Kansas in the 1920s, so she had a really different attitude about pets than the rest of us. My dad loved all cats and dogs, and so did all of us kids, and we did things that drove her crazy like let them on the furniture or on the bed. In my mom’s opinion, cats should really be mostly

My mom wasn’t a “bad”, “abusive” parent, and I have some real empathy for the situation she was in, but on the other hand she messed me up good, and it’s best for me that I limit my interaction with her. At this point she’s on the road to dementia so there’s really no point trying to get “closure”. I don’t bring up

One Christmas my nephew wanted Moss Man so bad, but he was made of unobtanium. I spent an entire day (this was long before ebay) searching all the toy stores, and finally caught sight of one on a carousel display. I was so excited I lunged for it and knocked the whole thing over. BUT! I obtained the unobtainable.

A while ago I was channel flipping and came across some college gymnastic things — stopped long enough to screengrab the names of the girls on the team: Dallas, Kayla, Elideth, Cayla, Kalley, Kalliah. I’m basically desperate for a Susan or a Nancy, or a Michael or a Steve.

9. Please don’t be late. We work on a schedule that is to the half hour or even 15 minutes.

I hate/love that movie so much. It pushes a lot of the same buttons as “Hoarders” does with me, somehow. The focus on things and stuff while human beings, and helpless animals, are being treated so terribly. The hoarders, as awful as they frequently are, at least have the excuse of crippling mental illness. This gang

My theory: this parade of hilarrible GOP candidates is a plot to make GOB, I mean, JEB, seem reasonable and mainstream to swing voters.

Those are some dead eyes.

the world’s most Stupid Teenage Son. ARRRRGH

I don’t think they hurt him or messed him up, that’s what I truly think, but I do think they should have called a medic.

When you go into the “den” after dinner (with your wife and three little kids) and spend 8-10 hours on it, every night...not as long as you might think.

A nephew-in-law of mine blew $400K on phone sex. My niece is still married to that POS.

Last time I tried I got tomato hornworms. Still have PTSD. Will never try again.

I dislocated my shoulder in a yoga class — the guy leading it knew right away and put it back in himself — he said the longer it was “out” the worse the recovery would be. That...may have been bullshit. Someone took me to the ER and they just gave me a sling. I couldn’t raise my arm above shoulder-height for weeks,

A bunch of Mariners put on those inflatable sumo wrestler suits one time — Joey Cora ended up on his back and couldn’t get up while the rest of the guys watched and laughed. I can’t find video unfortunately! Still the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen on a ball field.

I would love to live in a city, instead of in a 3-bedroom (two of which I don’t need) house in dysturbia, but for neighbor noise. I just can’t handle loud bass or barking dogs or screaming kids when I’m trying to sleep, or concentrate. In my limited time living in apartments/condos, it’s been unendurable. The

Supernatural on HBO.