
Agree 100%. You can have a big, perfect one for a relatively little. I understand (layperson here) that they’re indistinguishable from a natural stone, except they lack minute flaws. I don’t know why anyone would prefer a smaller, less perfect, natural stone.

The San Diego station did this during the very last seconds of “Lost”. There had apparently been a VERY MINOR earthquake, and they broke in say that there were no reports of damage or injury. You know, whatever-junior-varsity-station-that-was? there are earthquakes EVERY DAY in California that cause no injury or

Beanie Baby + 30 years = Funko. Not that I have a box of those things in my spare room. Not at all.

It sure is fun to see pretty, successful blondes taken down a notch.

Does anyone know of a real-time'ish feed where new Funko figures are announced? Including Hot Topic exclusives, other exclusives, etc.

I had a dude try to talk me into moving so a woman traveling with him could...I don’t even remember what he wanted. Me to move, anyway. I wasn’t having any of that — not giving up my window seat due to sky daddy. They worked it out with other people, and that dude ended up next to me. I made sure I showed a lot of bra

Minifigs living on my bookshelf: Han Solo, BadCop, Iron Fist and the Stig.

Be sure to drop some ash on the canvas. Maybe char the frame a little.

So if this had been the case decades ago, if [backward state probably in the south] didn’t sanction mixed-race marriage, because it’s a “state’s right” issue — that’s okay? Or more likely, THAT was an acceptable use of federal jurisdiction in a civil rights issue but this one isn’t? Yah, if this penis-head had been

Has anyone chosen kill myself? Because that’s my choice.

I grew up in a house with a huge yard, and at least when I was little, eggs hidden outside for the whole extended family.

In mine it was a rotating cycle of soak-em (aka dodgeball, BOMBARDMENT), cross country runs, and soccer on the muddy playfields. I grew up in Seattle. Fuck you, Mr. Hanken.

You forgot the boiled leather. Tasty, but a little chewy.

Two cats are not twice the work. Two are MORE work, but they do also spend some time interacting with each other making them marginally less destructive and/or needy. Even if they hate each other and the primary interaction is fighting. If you're unlucky the vet bills could be a big financial impact, two versus one,

Probably my grandma’s cast iron chicken fryer, which I still use at least weekly. Tuesday night cooked fish in it. Given that she was probably born in the 1890’s, that sucker is coming up on a hundred years old, and has gone from Kansas to Washington to California. Every few years I take it down to the bare iron and

Does this mean I have to change my Excel byte-converter? That I've had on every desktop since Excel was first a thing?

Man I hope not!

I think the fact of the show moving ahead of the books is a big part of what's causing the delay. The existing books are obviously full of a lot of what will turn out to be red herrings. Since the show is dismissing many of these, how annoying would it be for GRRM to have to be spending pages and pages on characters

Hitting makes it different from all the other examples. I've been angry enough at work to yell FUCK YOU at my boss at the time, I've certainly given one-fingered salutes to countless drivers, I've gotten into huge arguments that turned very ugly. All non-ideal, human reactions. But once someone hits someone, it

There are four, possibly five, rules that describe all human behavior. Rule #1 is: PEOPLE ARE STUPID.