
Somehow the commercials for this Librarians show are VERY appealing. I don't know what it is!

This guy?

I spent ninety minutes in that gridlocked hellscape at midnight — the shuttle driver circled for literally an hour and a half waiting for other pickups, with his window wide open to maximize the fumes and sound of honking. I was so furious after the first hour I tried to get the other prisoners in the van to go

I'll pay almost anything to fly out of Burbank rather than LAX. You just can't get everywhere from there, unfortunately. Despite the SUPER weird 80's soundtrack.

Well, definitely not fucking "the human personification of chlamydia" Adam Levine, and I'm definitely marrying Mel — he's loaded and I sense he's more interested in whoever he's not married to, so that situation seems like it would be endurable. I guess that means it's you and me, Nick! I can close my eyes and just

There's nothing wrong with the Today Show that couldn't be solved by hiring the untalented offspring of more politicians and/or random celebrities — didn't Romney produce a metric shit ton of television-ready bros with shiney shiney teeth that could slot in next to Seedling (Daughter of Shrub)? And by "solve" of

It seems like this has some potential as a midnight-showing Rocky Horror holiday special.

Isn't a cappuccino espresso with mostly foam, but some milk? If there's no milk at all it's a macchiato? So she wanted a cappucino weighted more toward a latte than a macchiato? If that's not the case, I'm going to have to turn in my from-Seattle card....

The only issue I have is that it's being put on by high school girls? Um...more likely middle aged women (speaking as one). Although, on Halloween, one of the trick or treaters at my door noticed I had SPN on and proceeded to fan-spasm at me for a little while...I think she was younger than 16 but possibly in high

Heh, yah. Point.


Middle aged woman here, with a love for that particular SNL skit from a few years back (also The Californians). Invite was extended originally because my friend's son didn't want to go, I was delighted to be the backup. Subsequently he decided, yah, he might as well go after all. No criticism obviously about my friend

I'm so pissed — I was invited to go to the advance screening on Wednesday night at the Nokia — I put on makeup! — but at like 2:00 p.m. I got unvited. Since my co-workers (rightly) have a limited attention-span for my whining, submitting a brief one here. Sorry! Done now.

I now have almost no hair on my legs — it's all migrated to my chin. Thanks menopause!

THAT is super fantastic.

Huh. Some of these are surprising.

The problem is these young people that don't vote, eventually become old and do vote, but vote like old people since forever. Seriously, I give up.

The chocolate in the Crunch bar is significantly worse than the chocolate in any other commercially sold candy bar in the U.S. It must have something to do with keeping it together with all those rice crispies, or whatever they are. Months after Halloween, the leftover candy bowls at my office have nothing in them but

KitKat belongs well below "being hit by a car" for those goddamned commercials with the sound of people chewing prominent in the mix. Also their heavy taste of coconut oil. But mostly the chewing.

Being honest about being a dick doesn't mitigate his dickishness.