
I don't think so, the whole "going to Purgatory" thing was a surprise. Sam didn't even know what had happened and neither of them knew it would happen before it did. There was some conversation about, we need to stop going to such crazy extremes for each other!, but I can't recall when that was. Must have been

Dean gave up hunting and tried to pursue a normal life with his ex and her son, leaving Sam in hell,

I was just invited to a nephew's wedding in Belize at a $500/night resort. OBVIOUSLY he has little expectation of high attendance...both for economic and health/mobility reasons. I don't have one single issue with it. It's his wedding — if this location is special to him and his bride, more power to them. The last

¡Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!

I bought boxes of Halloween-colored glow sticks to give out this year (and candy, of course). This year I rule!

Agreed! I also live in CA, and grew up in Seattle, so when I visit places where people still smoke publicly, it's just so weird. It's the same way with garbage — what do you mean ALL the trash goes in ONE bin? But...but...but....

I am your parents' age and I agree! I loved it (still do), and it's cheesiness was very much in line with the programs of the era. I've recently been watching a little bit of the Six Million Dollar Man on some weird local channel, and seeing it now — you can't imagine how we ever thought that was a good-looking

Is Once Upon a Time supposed to be comprehensible?

Someone around here coined the phrase, fancy lad prancy dancy. Which is so amazingly perfect.

I adored how the big fight went basically like this:

Except not so much scary, as ridiculous and silly. Bieber? HILARIOUS. Kanye? Trying SO hard, bless his heart. (Yes, I'm sure they're not "it" either. "It" is like that high-pitched sound that you can't hear over the age of 30. You get past a certain age and you can't even perceive "it".)

Stop trying to make shit your dick happen.

Yes, yes I am. Seattle/Dallas is supposedly the "game of the week" — I think the OT game can move over to the app.

And here in L.A., we're still watching Cincinnati/Carolina. WTF Fox?

When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I worked full time and paid my way through college and bought my first house, all accomplished by the time I was thirty. You know why? BECAUSE I COULD. Because the economy had jobs that paid enough, even when it was sometimes multiple part-time jobs, that I could make a

This dude is almost 15 years younger than me, and he's nostalgic for a time that was long gone when I was a kid. As my uncle used to say: day shift/night shift. Or to quote another Olde: Same as it ever was.

The "moviegoing experience" is on its way out but it has little to do with technology. It's dying of shitbirds who treat the theater as if it were their living room, or their babysitter. Or the ones who can't turn off their fucking phone for two hours. (You're not all emergency responders! Most of you are just

I loved the Kroft live-action shows — Bugaloos, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, Land of the Lost. Also Bigfoot and Wildboy! and that one with Terry Lester traveling around a post-apocalyptic world in a space-age RV.

A very crafty person at work made some dementors out of balloons for her son's birthday, and then brought them in the day after. They were black helium balloons with a creepy face drawn on with some kind of puke-green marker, then dressed in black tissue paper and ribbon. They floated just below the ceiling and moved
