
So bummed this isn't Jensen Ackles — per rumors from a year or so ago. How great would that have been?

Last time I played this game, the salesman was spewing absolute complete bullshit — figuring me for an ignoramus. Well, I am pretty ignorant, but I don't find the idea of a "certified pre-owned" vehicle costing MORE than a brand new one of the same model very plausible. Anyway, it wasn't a pleasant experience and I

I made exactly that face when I saw Deadpool Mr. Potato Head.

On the topic of sippy cups, my niece had twin boys. When they were little they had a lot of exact duplicates of things — toys, clothes etc. Once I was at their house for a meal and they were each screaming they wanted the "blue" cup. There were two blue cups. They were identical (not the case that one was damaged in

In all jobs. I'm there right now.

Back in the Dark Ages (the 70's) I attended a Star Trek convention in Seattle — it was probably one of the very first conventions of any kind, certainly in Seattle. The organizers were great and it was a good time. But some shithead stole the (theater print) of Silent Running — this was long before the days of home

I did Bikram very enthusiastically back in the day...until I dislocated a shoulder in one of the classes. Fun fact — you actually DO see stars flying around your head when something hurts that bad!

No regular character that I'm aware of — I think I've just been unlucky enough when I've happened to watch I've happened to see jokes like — fabulous older woman (Lucille Bluth!) wants to sleep with one of the characters and if so, she'll contribute money to his program — much hilarity at the idea of the older woman

5. The Woman Whose Weight/Age Is a Punchline.

Wearing his Plaid Shirt of Tears.

Oh, totally. I figure I'm getting tubed whenever I buy a car. I'm just enough of a wuss to be happy to pay a premium to not have to go into that little office for an hour and hash it out with some sales person who's going to go "check with my manager".

Scion is more like Saturn than Tesla.

Speaking as a 40-70 year old who has owned two Scions, agreed. Bought an xA the first year it was sold in California, loved it, sold it two years ago to a 16-year old (who totaled it inside a month smdh) and bought an FR-S. The thing about non-FR-S Scion vehicles is that they are overpoweringly PRACTICAL. This is a

As I recall, Pope Palpatine wore some pretty snazzy footwear. (I dunno — is there a significant difference between Catholic and Russian Orthodox? I get them confused...which is the one with Stonehenge?)

HA! for the perfect descriptions esp. when combined with this image. (I love SPN beyond all sense and reason, but that doesn't mean I can't have a laugh at it.)

Me too! I'm about 100 pages from the end of the last one — it's been years. I don't know what's going to happen to me when I finally finish. Also I apologize in advance for whoever gets them at the Goodwill.

My dad, in his later "dementia years", came to believe that the tipping system was stupid and he wasn't going to support it by participating. He didn't object to dining out, however. My mom and I would have to sneak back in and put cash on the table because if he caught you doing it, he'd go nuts. Pre-dementia, he was

He struck down evil with the mighty sword of teamwork and the hammer of not bickering.

It's become like unto a thing of pork byproduct!

I want a word to describe that feeling of annoyance (and also relief) you get on the last day of the weekend, at the point (usually around 4:30 PM for me) when you realize you're really not going to get anything else done. House will remain kind of a mess, you won't make that final grocery store run, it's too late to