
I went through my spice cabinet a while back and found some cloves that had a sell-by date of 1986. I mean, they were cloves, and so only for adding holiday smells to the house not eating...but, uh, yah. It happens.

I remember that Alinea kerfuffle. As I recall the parents got stood up by their sitter at the last minute, and Alinea apparently has a pretty strict cancellation policy, and for them it was "once in a lifetime". So, they decided — hell with it, and took the baby. I ALSO think I recall reading they defended their

So you attended a pre-meeting for a pre-meeting, which in my company is known as a pre-pre-meeting. I'm not even kidding.

Has everything always been the worst? Or is it just that "the worst" comes to the top of every media outlet these days?

Here he is doing his stupid human trick in Lake Samammish from probably the 40's, and here he is in the early 1920's:

I've mostly needed cabs in Southern California the last several years, so obviously I'm not in Cab-Country. But. I can't count the number of times I've called for a cab and waited. And waited. And waited. Because apparently the way it works is, the dispatcher sends out the request and if somebody wants to take the

If you're in an aisle seat and you're getting bumped, it's because you're encroaching into the aisle. If called on it, I predict he would complain that his seatmate was ALSO overweight which was forcing him into the aisle. Because it's the rest of the people in the world that are fat the problem, not him! Flying

Donkey donkey donkey donkey.

Vodka rocks, to maximize buzz while minimizing visits to the airplane toilet. Starting at 5:00 a.m. if it's the first flight of the day. AFAIC it's always drunk o'clock if I'm flying.

The "current sexual distopia" seems to be...women choosing who they want to have sex with?

Why the half measures, Utah?

Well, I invite them to check out my fridge. I can't speak for the PB, but there's a jar of BBQ sauce in there that's developed quite a complex ecosystem.

Back in the day I used to get a lot of nutball-religion appeals-for-money that came with postage-paid return envelopes. Not so much anymore, dunno if it's because they stopped doing it or I've just been very successful with the various "cut down on junk mail" strategies. Anyway, I used to save up all my junk mail,

Clinique water therapy foot smoothing cream


I think he also drives a Porsche.

In the last few months I've flown to Seattle twice, to Texas twice, and once to Washington DC. Today I had "surprise" root canal. I'd rather do that again than get on another plane.

Momoa as Namor I can see.

I attended an Alanon meeting in SL, and one of the yearly DKOS conventions. I used to occasionally check into a bar in San Diego that displayed their SL "outpost" on a screen, and broadcast their live shows in SL. I also watched Obama's first inauguration with a bunch of other people at "Cafe Wellstone" (I think), in

Thanks! Had a fantastic time watching these. Still smiling.