
It sounds better than it is. So boring it's making me kind of mental.

This is awesome! I'm at a remote work site where I have literally NOTHING to do except keep track of people who are actually doing work, for about 12 hours a day. Fantastic time killer!

This is how? Everyone? Talked in the 80's? This is how? Reagan? Talked?

joke already told...

Saw the governor on the news this morning, making a statement about the execution that went very, very wrong — wearing a large prominent crucifix. I dunno, I don't go in for all that stuff but...maybe you could have picked something else for that particular news conference?

Of course! Loved them. They really elevated the character, in a great way. I picked up the "Living Weapon" that was just issued, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. AND can't wait for the TV series that's supposedly coming. Everything's coming up Iron Fist!

Yes, but years later Danny came back in another series of stories (in Namor, mostly) that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. In fact, I am delighted own the original art to this page:

The one I always go back to read.

I saw a yellow one on the 101 in Calabasas a couple of weeks ago, being passed (on the right) by a Prius. So much cognitive dissonance.

I had a very smart cat — you looked in her eyes and it was very different than most cats, there was a thinking being in there. Of course she mostly used her brains for evil. Like, she knew she wasn't supposed to scratch the couch, and she never did...except in the middle of the night, she'd get up out of bed, go out

It's time for a "top ten Dean Winchester gifs" official post, I think.

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! (not in a good way)

KitKat needs to DIAF for their misophonia-triggering commercials that have remained unchanged for, what, decades? THE SOUND OF PEOPLE CHEWING. In fact, the bar itself (which tastes unpleasantly of coconut oil, IMO), the company that makes it, and the advertising agency that dreamed up that thing should please go live

The Reeses/Butterfinger bar. In hindsight — ugh. The whole point of the Butterfinger is the crunchy part...when it's the consistency of a Reeses you lose that, and can really taste how shitty the chocolate is.

Supernatural is the correct answer, but I would choose the opening of the season four opener, Lazarus Rising, which I tried to link but I don't think it "took".

Fabio being his usual adorable self.

Heh. With one vote I just switched it to Star Wars!

I KNOW. Love them. Will be there weekend after next, but it looks like not much happening in the midnight movie realm that weekend unfortunately. Quite enjoyed the "Big Lebowski Quote Along" last time I was in Austin!

If I lived in a city with an Alamo Drafthouse I would go to the movies all the time. Instead I live in a city where shitheads text throughout, younger kids kick the back of my seat and little kids run up and down the aisle, and everyone talks all the damn time. I'm sure the cost is part of why attendance is

It's inexplicable. Another one that makes me nuts (Australia division) — A Town Like Alice. COME ON. Every stupid Kardashian thing goes onto commercial DVD immediately, and we still can't get that? ARGH.