
Your use of the word "whilst" suggests you are in the UK. I got excited for a second thinking MAYBE we were finally getting B7 in the US. Whennnnnnnnnnn?????

Well, not the plot. After the first watch, and sometimes the second, the plot is no longer intriguing. Comedies, yes — I've watched every ep. of Red Dwarf and the Simpsons probably 40 times. But looking at the DVDs on my shelf I see a pattern emerge: Supernatural (Jensen Ackles); original BSG (Dirk Benedict); UFO

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Nope. Ron Fairly Obvious owns this category: "Bruce Sutter has been around for a while and he's pretty old. He's thirty-five years old, that will give you some idea of how old he is."

My dad and brothers worked part-time for a, let's say, homey roofing outfit in the 60's/70's. Once the owner was towing a tar pot full of liquid, hot tar when it came loose at the top of a hill. He jumped out of his truck and ran after it yelling, "come back, come back you son of a bitch!"

My sister worked third shift at a manufacturing plant for probably 15-20 years. She got increasingly argumentative, irrational and unbearable as the years went on. She died in her early 70's and was at the time estranged from her entire extended family (except our mother), including her own children and grandchildren.

who would be good candidates to get a ring

I went through the hell of dealing with serial companies that, apparently, bought the debt of "Sandra Ruiz" who had my landline number before me. They were your typical offshore scumbag collection companies, based in Florida. It went on for months, multiple daily calls outside the "permitted" hours. I'd told them

The pocket fluff. Oh, man, the pocket fluff!

Wrong Thomerson movie. TRANCERS. (Dry hair is for squids.)

I know mine are mostly in it for the booze.

I saw the preview of this at the Lego movie, and they referred to Sherman as Mr. Peabody's SON — disapprove. It is, as Charlie Jane points out, Mr. Peabody and his BOY Sherman. Ugh to a heartwarming tale of Sherman's adoption. PS get off my lawn.

If SPN doesn't have the Ghostfacers meeting some LARPers...I will be sorely disappointed.

This, and my "ombre" hair, make me perfectly on-trend for the first time ever. How delightful!

What I don't understand is why cheap practical cars are always so ugly. Why doesn't Kia, or someone, built a cheap, practical Kia that looks like this? Build a better mousetrap. I sometimes wonder if there's collusion among the automakers to make sure the cheap ones are ugly, to drive demand for a more expensive

Be the change you want to see.

Adam Baldwin is notorious for making some outrageous and deeply ugly statements, pre-dating Twitter by many years. (USE OF THE WORD "DATING" IN PROXIMITY TO THE WORD "TWITTER" IS NOT SUGGESTING ANYONE MARRY TWITTER FOR TAX REASONS!) It's really difficult to watch anything he's in, knowing a little of the cesspool

There's got to be a way to make money off these morans. And I don't mean by selling them bunkers.

I just can't get past the fact this isn't Jensen Ackles. He's even wearing the Purgatory jacket!

I think the body of the guy who was sucked into a sinkhole while sleeping in his bed (Florida, IIRC), was never recovered. If it's too dangerous to recover a body, I can't imagine they'd do it for cars, even museum-quality. I just wonder about the rest of the museum. Kind of like how part of the Chernobyl plant kept