
And if you bring that up it is not fat shaming.

"And if you bring that up it is not fat shaming."

I usually cave and go ahead and watch NBC's shitty coverage, the next morning on the Tivo. But last night when I randomly turned it on and saw Costas and two other old dudes sitting around tiresomely blathering, I just couldn't. I think this is the year. When it starts being covered like a sporting event, when the

"Unless you were a Seahawks fan or you hated Peyton Manning".... My chocolate got in the peanut butter!


I can't answer the big question. However I can state definitively that SPN owes me a lot more shirtless Dean.

OMG power cords. I just yesterday started wrapping every cord in the house in sheaths. They've eaten through: two handset phone power cords, one landline phone cord, one laptop power cord, one alarm clock power cord, the power cord to their drinking fountain, and the pull cord for the blinds. AND my boss's iPad cable!

Mine too! They love straws and bottle caps. (And power cords, so delicious, apparently.) Their toys I bought? Not so much.

Bummer. Well, all the appliances in this house are comedically cheap. The microwave doesn't have a turntable.

So only risotto on an electric range? Because the "surface of the heat source" of my gas range is about four inches.

With Castiel also.

Ackles-Light sets off ALL the gaydar with me.

Misread the article...was thinking Norv's time in Cleveland must have been years ago, surely no one would hire him after San Diego. Yoiks.

I've missed seeing Norv on Fire This Asshole. He's available, right?

Touching tribute to Elway.

I saw it when I was a teenager — in the (very old) house we lived in then, there was a long narrow storage room with a cement floor. There were two refrigerators on opposite walls more or less facing each other, maybe four feet apart. My mom and I were unloading groceries into one of the fridges, with the door open —

+1 nerd

I had the Chicken Parm at the 13 Coins in Seattle a couple weeks ago — they make it with a white sauce, and f me I'd forgotten how fantastic that is! Adding that, along with a Dicks Deluxe and the blackberry cobbler at Chinook's to my "every time I'm in Seattle" list.

I want dodos. That is all.

Is it just me? Or has kinja totally lost it?