
I think this iteration of this conflict is a little different, since Sam is kind of giving off a "you are ridiculous and I'm exasperated with you" vibe. Exhausted, but not the more typical pissy Sam. Maybe?

Thanks! Super helpful intel!

Thanks for the info!

Austin/San Antonio really two hours? I'm down there in a couple of months (Austin) and would like to make the trip, but not if it's more than about two hours each way. For real?

In my experience (living in Southern California), there's def. a Carroll effect — people haaaaaaaate him.

Defending my home town: I don't disagree Seattle is a disaster — I lived there for forty years and have numerous driving-in-the-snow stories, varying from ridiculous to infuriating. But...what are they supposed to do, really? It snows enough to make an impact maybe every three years. The geography and climate combine

When I sleep in a strange bed, even if I have no idea which way north is, when I wake up I'm north/south, with my head pointing north. This means sometimes sideways, sometimes completely turned with my head at the foot of the bed. When this happens I check the direction and sure enough, I'm back in alignment. It kind

Proven dunno. However it does seem like a significant portion of the populace expects some kind of disaster at the turn of every century (most recently, Y2K — a grocery store in my old town had a sign up for most of 1999 that said: "Y2K Food Storage — it's Not Too Soon!"). Then it takes a few years for everyone to

I'm off Saturday to Washington state for the wedding of my BFF and his partner of 22 years. First wedding I've been to in I don't know how long. Seems like they're bringing marriage BACK.

Can't wait for that Jenny McCarthy/Stephen Dorff blockbuster movie that's probably coming out any day now.

I got them too. Nightmare fuel.

I loved this back in the day, also Ark II. Also Land of the Lost and especially Bigfoot and Wildboy! Shut up I was exactly the right age and demo. Anyway, what I really want to know is, why can't we get The Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space on DVD or streaming?

I'm finally over the '05 Superbowl.

My dad, after he retired, sat at a stool at the kitchen bar, smoking, for many hours a day for probably ten years. I did something that required punishment (can't remember), so I was given the job of cleaning the walls and ceiling of the kitchen/dining room with TSP, while everyone else went out somewhere. When I

Hoarders is no more. Well, it had gotten a little bit feces-y for my taste, the last season. The other hoarding show just doesn't do it for me. *sigh*

My boss does this. Sadly if she wants to drive, I have to go along with it. Nauseating. She also NEVER USES HER WINDSHIELD WIPERS, no matter how hard it's raining. She gets honked at by someone for something every time I ride with her.

I had a discussion last night with a fellow Grammar Nazi. She maintains your/you're is the worst, but I think I hate lose/loose the most. There isn't even an apostrophe to mess you up.

I don't disagree with anything Lindy says, but confess I have watched this thing numerous times. It's kind of like the Today Show — it's appalling and I hate it, but sometimes it's just on.... I read a review at the time of release where the reviewer pointed out that only the young women got a happy ending, while the

I didn't like it, except for the spectacle. SPOILERS AHEAD. I was annoyed at the religiosity — "No one ever taught me how to pray" (or whatever) followed an hour later by: "Hey Dead George Clooney up there in Heaven, you should totally look up my dead kid, you guys should hang."

Does Harris disclose their methodology? Because if their sample is, people with landlines who answer unknown numbers and take a survey — um, I'm surprised it doesn't come out worse. (Full disclosure, I have a landline and occasionally answer unknown numbers. Furthermore get off my lawn.)