
I like how this Tomorrow People is true to the original, in that the John character appears to have a stick lodged in a vertical direction, but is dead sexy thanks to the actor — and the Stephen character, while supposedly the heartthrob lead, is just tiresome.

Here in Thousand Oaks CA, my next door neighbors had solar panels installed yesterday. Today, it is raining — for the first time since May. (Nice one, universe.) Someone here in this town, a few years ago, sued and won — the City of Thousand Oaks or Edison or whoever has to cut him a check every month, for the excess

It smells like a huge plastic colon that has many thousands of sweaty people walking through it in the hot sun, gets little washing, and half the time is stored in a trailer. So, a little better than my cats' litterbox.

Imagine proponents of regular colonoscopies tried to get people to get themselves checked by waving around giant images of malignant polyps.

Years and years ago at a work picnic (Vasa Park in Bellevue Washington) we were warned not to slide headfirst down the water slide into Lake Sammamish, as the slide was dry, and not terribly slippery. Slide only on your clothed butt, people! Anyway, one of my co-workers stood at the top of the thing, raised her fists,

I watched that NOVA as well...very interesting. The Zapruder film is VERY much more explicit than I thought/remembered, and I'm sure I've seen it dozens of times over the years.

Whole grain, low fat I know you wanna piece of that. But I just wanna dance.

Ay, ay, ay! No es bueno!

I worked with a woman who was on Phil Donahue back in the day, on a show with a bunch of "other" women. She apparently was having a thing with a married client, and was VERY upfront about the fact that if his marriage had been happy or functional, he wouldn't have blah blah blah. She was roundly booed by the audience,

I have on a couple of occasions abandoned my cart, or items already on the conveyor belt, if the person ahead of me has some some of retail constipation situation going on that's going to go into double-digits waiting. I know it's not really fair to the store employees, but on the other hand they have a little bit of

A co-worker was shown an apartment in NY (don't recall which borough) which had the toilet under a countertop IN THE KITCHEN. You flipped the countertop up, did your business, then put it back down and prepared a gourmet meal, I assume. On the downside, dinner parties could be awkward.

As far as inspections, get an electrician to inspect the electrical, a roofer to inspect the roof, etc. A lot of inspection companies (at least, where I've lived and bought houses) are not experts in anything — except taking a test and getting a certification. Go to the neighborhood at 6:00 p.m., at 11:00 p.m., and on

"If you wanted to do something private with a man back then it wasn't gay. It was just two men celebrating each other's strength."

I am SO GLAD I got to see B7 prior to the internet, so I wasn't spoiled. And that I had to watch it one ep. a week, instead of mainlining it in a weekend. There are benefits to being an olde! (Another, that none of my early-20's shenanigans were filmed and posted on Facebook for all to mock. Including some moderate

Holy crap Iron Fist!

Yah, I think I'll avoid all Applebees for the rest of my life. Don't want to take a chance I help his store be successful and he remain employed.

Scarecrow Video in Seattle, the most awesome of all time, and I don't think that's even in dispute. They had EVERYTHING, they were at the forefront of technology. I'll never forget coming across the "chicks in chains" section and marveling at the breadth of the oeuvre. That poky little storefront in Latona was a haven

I stayed in a hotel in Bakersfield a couple of weeks ago that had the water for the tub coming out of the ceiling...is this is a thing now? It was pretty cool.

Here's my friend's son at Comikaze today. He's the one on the left.

Last night, I attempted to re-create an awesome drink I had at the fabulous Padre Hotel in non-fabulous Bakersfield CA. It got late before we declared a winner, so I can't guarantee less drunk/candy-comatose drinkers would agree, but: 3 parts ginger beer, two parts vodka, one part each Rhuby (rhubarb liqueur) and