
My mother, in her 90's and with her memory pretty much shot, still makes sure to bring up my weight every time we talk. Which isn't all that often, sadly. I know that she has her own issues, I know she loves me and wants me to be happy, I know she worries. But JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST SHUT UP ABOUT IT ALREADY! I've

A friend of mine had a LOT of work done at the dental school at the University of Washington. He said the appointments took a really long time, but the work was amazing, and cheap — demonstration by instructors and by students. It's probably been thirty years or more, and it's still holding together. Maybe there's a

I had brisket for the first time ever a couple of days ago, in Austin, at (semi-famous) Franklin's. Yes, I stood in line for three hours — in the rain THANKS OBAMA — and was almost denied since we got there so late. (The people who got there first also stood in line three hours, the difference is they had more

Excellent. Relieved the writers have a better memory for things that happened years ago, than I do for things that happened last night. Derp. I plead aging brain!

And another thing. Isn't Dean's location invisible to angels? Maybe I missed it, but I don't think he gave out his GPS coordinates.

Nope. The donut/cream puff hybrid (frittelle) from Carrara Pastries in Agoura/Moorpark (Los Angeles area, generally) are the best pastry of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Posting pictures of Pebbles and BamBam because they're completely hilarious and I basically want to post their picture on all the web sites. (I have always adopted older cats, but after losing the last one I was so crushed I went with the furthest thing from a sedate older kitty I could find, rescue kittens from a

He said something about how you can't see brake lights in the video. I wonder if anyone checked to see if his brake lights even worked?

I grew up in Seattle and spent the last ten years in southern California — this quiz puts me in northern California, with a spot of red in Kansas. My mom's from there and I definitely have some of her dialect. ("Crick", for example.) Interesting!

Marry me!

Once in a while, when it's on TNT, I'll watch the first five minutes of the sixth season premiere, and I think it's great. Next to season four's opener, I think I like that one the best. At least, the first five minutes.

thank jebus. it's a long off-season.

I watched an episode of I Spy last night on some random channel — it was exactly like this.

My boss just sold her house and moved because of neighbors who put out cones and other barriers every night so their kids can play in the street. Balls, big wheels, those electric cars with plastic wheels that sound like gravel trucks. Anyone driving ON THE STREET gets that "both hands flapping/slow down" gesture,

and lobster taquitos. Mmmmmmmm.

Yup, it's official. Haven't heard about the other show though.

yoiks. perhaps better remove that piece of slang from my vocab....

Well, we've got to get the heebs from someplace now Hoarders is cancelled.

Jager is some kind of shirttail relation or friend of a cousin or something who shows up at family BBQs, gets wasted and throws up so hard the blood vessels in his eyeballs rupture, and then sits on the bumper of his shitty car begging you not to leave him alone.

He's too dumb to be subtle in his pandering.